Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Konieczna, Assoc. Prof.

Position: professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Interdisciplinary Research in Disability Studies


E-mail: akonieczna[at]

Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3519

Main research areas

  • The research focuses on educational support for students, encompassing teachers' instructional activities in the classroom, co-teaching practices, collaboration with parents, diagnosis and assistance for children with learning difficulties, and inclusive education for students with special needs. The second key area of interest is social integration within the school environment, including the risk of social exclusion, socialization processes, building social relationships,development of social competencies

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic career:

    2011 - postdoctoral of Humanities, Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences


    Konieczna, A. (2020). „Nasza klasa”. Obrazy społeczności klas szkolnych: analiza empiryczna wzorów społecznego uczestnictwa jej członków ["Our classroom”. Images of school classroom communities: an empirical analysis of its members' patterns of social participation]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS. 

    Konieczna, A. (2019). „Nasza klasa”. Społeczne zachowania przestrzenne i reguły dystansu w społeczności klas szkolnych ["Our classroom”. Social spatial behavior and distance rules in a school classroom Community]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.

    Hajnicz, W., Konieczna, A. (2018). Proces włączenia się dziecka do grupy o sformalizowanych regułach funkcjonowania [The process of a child joining a group with formalized rules of functioning]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.

    Konieczna, A. (2015). Członkowie klasy wobec sytuacji ”odrzucania kolegi”: w poszukiwaniu podmiotowego kontekstu wspierającego deliberację w warunkach kultury konfliktu w klasie [ Class members in the face of "rejecting a colleague" situations: in search of a subjective context to support deliberation under conditions of conflict culture in the classroom]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.

    Konieczna, A. (2009). Analiza struktury interakcji w sytuacji rozmowy indywidualnej nauczycieli z rodzicami o problemach szkolnych ucznia [An analysis of the interaction structure in the situation of individual teachers' conversation with parents about student's school problems]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.


    Research projects

    Project carried out within the framework of own research „The process of the child's integration into a group with formalized rules of functioning” (project manager: W. Hajnicz and A. Konieczna) BSTP 20/17-I (2016-2017)

    Project carried out within the framework of own research „My classroom" - the image of the social world of diverse groups from the perspective of students - part I and II” (project manager) BSTP 22/18-I (2017-2018)

    Team research project „Teachers' practices: enhancing engagement in and/orversus disciplining students' learning?” (project manager) (2022-2023)

    Positions held 

    2020-2022 - member of the Senate Standing Committee on the conferral of the doctoral degree in the discipline of pedagogy

    2020-2024 - member of the Chapter of the Competition for the best thesis

 - ikona sylwetki