Position: profesor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Resocialisation, Criminology, and Human Rights Research
E-mail: bkmieciak[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 589-36-00 wew. 3530
Main research areas
- Main Research Areas Research areas · Forensic and social psychiatry, suicidology, criminology, socio-legal aspects of disability, sociology of law and human rights, psychoeducation, protection of children's and patients' rights, and bioethics
Academic career:
09.2019 – awarding the degree of habilitated doctor of social sciences (disc. legal sciences) based on the monograph: Rights of the child as a patient CH. Beck, Warsaw 2017 by the Council of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Lodz,
2013 – 2014 - Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Postgraduate Studies in Bioethics and Medical Law, Center for Human Ecology and Bioethics, Warsaw
2008 – 2013 - Catholic University of Lublin, - part-time doctoral studies Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Sociology
7 May 2014 - public defense of the doctoral thesis: Patient rights and their protection. Sociological studies (scientific specialization: sociology of law and medicine) (supervisor: dr hab. n. law Krzysztof Motyka, prof. KUL)
2000 – 2005 - University of Lodz, Faculty of Educational Sciences, major - Special Education - spec. Resocialization (Master's thesis title: Level of anxiety in children aged 15-18 raised by single mothers) - full-time studies (prom. Prof. Stanisław Lipiński)
Courses and Certificates:
University of Notre Dame, "Vita institute" course, June 12-17, 2022
University of Geneva, UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Children's Human Rights - An Interdisciplinary Introduction, online course (5 weeks)
Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings- Columbia University (6 weeks online)
Identifying Early Signs of Psychosis in Adolescents and Young Adults, Stanford University.(Stanford University School of Medicine)
Identifying and Responding to Developmental Delay in Young Children, Stanford University
Certificate, Mental Health in Social Work, University of Alaska (3 months-online)
Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard University, Child Protection: Children's Rights in Theory and Practice (12 weeks Online)
Kennedy Institute of Ethics; Georgetown University, Course: Introduction to Bioethics (6 weeks online)
Certificate: Human Rights Education Training, US institute of Diplomacy ad human Rights (6 weeks online)
Mediator Diploma in cases concerning minors and in criminal cases, PACTUS Mediators Association, (80- hrs.)
"Course: Medical Law and Bioethics", Center for Human Ecology and Bioethics Warsaw, 2013-2014 (120 hrs.)
Course: School of Human Rights at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and the Polish Academy of Sciences, 01-06 2006
Trainer's Certificate of Behavioral-Cognitive Aggression Prevention ART "Aggression Replacement Training" issued by the School of Addiction Prevention in Warsaw (80 hrs.)
The most important publications in English or in Polish but with the title translated into English in square brackets up to 5 positions:
Kmieciak, B. (2022). Coercion in a mental crisis. Warsaw: Difin Publishing House.
Kmieciak, B. (2017). The rights of the child as a patient. Warsaw: C.H. Beck.
Kmieciak, B. (2015). Patient rights and their protection. Sociological study. Lublin: KUL Publishing House.
Jacek, A., Sarnacka, E., Kmieciak, B. (2018). Law for psychiatrists. Warsaw: Difin Publishing House. (2nd ed., 2024)
Dręblowski, P., Kmieciak, B. (2022). Act on the procedure towards persons with mental disorders posing a threat to the life, health or sexual freedom of other persons. Commentary. Warsaw: Beck, 2022,
Research projects up to 5 items:
2023 – Participant/executor in the grant of the Warsaw Branch of the Polish Sociological Association and the Polish Asperger Syndrome Association, project entitled "A child on the autism spectrum – current research and scientific reflections", co-financed by the program "Excellent Science II – Support for scientific conferences" (KONF/SN/0464/2023/01).
2023 – Participant/executor of the Higher Justice Grant – Competition No. VII/2022 – "Judicialization of power – judicial emancipation through the protection of European values. Phenomenon, process, threats, challenges" – currently being implemented.
2022 – Project Manager of the "Citizen-friendly law" project as part of a grant awarded by the National Institute of Freedom – Center for the Development of Civil Society based on contract no. 36443-3. The result of the above is the prepared and published Report entitled: "Citizen-friendly language of law", Center for Legislative and Economic Analysis, Warsaw, 2022, p. 35 (https://calg.pl/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Jezyk_prawa_przyjyny_obywatelowi-2.pdf ) (Team: B. Kmieciak, A. Bartnik-Malek, F. Furman).
2021–2023 – Co-leader and executor of the project "Interdisciplinary Academy of Bioethics", co-financed from the state budget under the Social Responsibility of Science program, Agreement No. NONP / SN/5137/79/2021 – Project Implementer Fundacja Jeden z Nas (detailed description of activities in the certificate, more information: https://akademiabioetyki.pl/rada-naukowa/ ).
2018 – expert and lecturer in the project: “Certified Partner of the Mental Health Center”. The project commissioned by the Ministry of Health (contract no. 6/3/2.2/NPZ/2017/3120/598) was the implementation of a task in the field of public health within the National Health Program called “Raising the competences of medical staff participating in the implementation of preventive psychiatric care”, including early detection of symptoms of mental disorders in the scope of point 2.2. Operational Goal 3: Prevention of mental health problems and improvement of the mental well-being of society. The project was implemented in 2017 throughout the country (a total of approx. 900 people were trained in 16 provinces). Implementer: Prometiq, health projects and programs.
Positions held
Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Resocialization, Criminology and Human Rights Research, Coordinator for the Protection of Minors