Position: assistant professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Resocialisation, Criminology, and Human Rights Research
E-mail: hiwanicki[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3515
Main research areas
- resocialization pedagogy; resocialization of adults; the issue of juvenile delinquency; modern social pathologies; methods of creative resocialization
Publications, conferences, events
Academic career
1990 - 1995 - Studies at the Maria Grzegorzewska Higher School of Special Education in Warsaw, Faculty of Revalidation and Resocialization
1995 - defense of the master's thesis for a very good degree and obtaining a master's degree in the field of special pedagogy, in the field of resocialization pedagogy;
2003 – defense of the doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Revalidation and Resocialization of the Maria Grzegorzewska Higher School of Special Education in Warsaw
Iwanicki, H., Lacek A. (2021). [Attitudes of parents of children with proper development towards the education system of students with special educational needs]. Szkoła Specjalna, LXXXII (5), 387 - 398.
Iwanicki, H. (2019). [Volunteering – a chance for social rehabilitation of people serving a prison sentence]. Problemy Opiekuńczo-Wychowawcze, 585(10), 3-14.
Iwanicki, H. (2015). [Use of therapeutic, psychocorrective and drug treatments for persons serving a custodial sentence on the basis of CZSW data] . Zeszyty Naukowe Szkoły Wyższej Przymierza Rodzin w Warszawie, 14(7), 109-120.
Iwanicki, H. (2013). [Contemporary problems in the rehabilitation of juveniles in correctional institutions]. W: Marzec-Holka, K., Głowik, T., Bilska, E. i Iwanicki, H. (red.). Profilaktyka i resocjalizacja. Od dysfunkcji do funkcjonalności (s. 40-61). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.
Marzec-Holka, K., Głowik, T., Bilska, E., Iwanicki, H. (red.) (2012). [Prevention and resocialization. From dysfunction to functionality]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.
Research projects
Analysis of the main factors interfering with the process of resocialization impact on minors staying in correctional institutions.Positions held
supervisor of students of the first year of special education
advisor to students of the II long-cycle master's studies
(2011 - 2020) - coordinator of postgraduate studies and APS courses
(2005-2006) - Deputy Dean for Student Affairs of the Faculty of Prevention and Resocialization at the PEDAGOGIUM of the University of Resocialization Pedagogy in Warsaw
(2006-2007) - Deputy Director of the Institute of Pedagogy at the PEDAGOGIUM of the Higher School of Resocialization Pedagogy in Warsaw