Position: assistant professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Education for the Visually Impaired and Research in the Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Visual Impairments
E-mail: kmiler[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3505
Main research areas
- orientation and mobility people with visual impairments; new technologies used in the special orientation of people with visual impairment; echolocation, as a method supporting spatial orientation and independent movement of people with visual impairment; models of teaching spatial orientation in Poland and in the world; methods and forms of educating specialists working with blind and low vision people;
Publications, conferences, events
Academic career
doctor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy - The Maria Grzegorzewska University (2016)
Miler-Zdanowska, K. (2021). Rozwój umiejętności z zakresu orientacji przestrzennej u dzieci niewidomych w wieku wczesnoszkolnym. Studium teoretyczno-empiryczne. [Development of skills in the field of orientation and mobility in blind children in early school age. Theoretical and empirical study]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.
Miler-Zdanowska, K. (2019). Echolocation as a method supporting spatial orientation and independent movement of people with visual impairment. Interdyscyplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, 25, 353-376.
Miler-Zdanowska, K. (2019). Sytuacja społeczna i relacje rówieśnicze ucznia z niepełnosprawnością wzroku. [Social situation and peer relations of a student with a visual impairment]. Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny, 3(253), 223-239.
Miler-Zdanowska, K. (2018). Space in the statements of blind children at early school age. Interdyscyplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, 20, 261-278.
Miler-Zdanowska, K. (2017). New Technologies used in the special orientation of people with visual impairment. Interdyscyplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, 18, 53-66.
Research projects
- project manager "Functional assessment of skills in the field of spatial orientation in blind children in early school age in the Mazowieckie, Małopolskie and Wielkopolskie ", BSTM 8/13 - I, (2013-2014).
- project manager "Functional assessment of skills in the field of spatial orientation in blind children in early school age in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship - pilot studies", BSTM 11/12 - I, (2012-2013)
- coordinator for international cooperation as part of the project co-financed by the ESF "Per linguas mundi ad laborem" in cooperation with the University of Warsaw, KUL, PZN, PFRON (2006-2008)
Positions held: Ph.D./Assistant Professor
Coordinator of the project Training of orientation and mobility for the blind and low vision people TOPON
Expert in the project Training of orientation and mobility for the blind and low vision people TOPON
Head of course for Orientation and Mobility Instructors (project TOPON)