Position: assistant professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Resocialisation, Criminology, and Human Rights Research
E-mail: knawrocka[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3515
Main research areas
- criminology, female crime, women imprisonment, the effectiveness of rehabilitation, rehabilitation programs
Publications, conferences, events
Academic career
Doctor of Humanities, in Pedagogy (2011), Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, The Maria Grzegorzewska University.
Publications:Zajenkowska, A., Jasielska D., Rajchert J., Nawrocka K., (i in.). (2021). Wellbeing and sense of coherence among female offenders and non-offenders: the importance of education, Prison Journal, 1(101), 41-59.
Nawrocka, K., Zozula, J. (2020). [The functioning of people with disabilities in penitentiary isolation: a pedagogical and legal study.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.
Nawrocka, K., Marczak, M. (red.). (2018). [Social reintegration of people leaving penitentiary facilities with the support of the local community.] Lublin: Studio Graficzno - Reklamowe Piotr Cichosz.
Nawrocka, K. (2014). [Victims and harpies. Social skills of women convicted of murder.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.
Marzec-Holka, K., Nawrocka, K., Moleda, J. (red.). (2014). [Current conditions and patterns of rehabilitation, reintegration, and inclusion processes.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.
Research projects2017/2018 The functioning of people with disabilities in penitentiary isolation. Pedagogical and legal study - project manager - Katarzyna Nawrocka, Jolanta Zozula
2018/2019 The fate and life orientations of women sentenced to life imprisonment - project manager
Positions heldMember of the Education Quality Team at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences
Tutor of student internships