Katarzyna Nawrocka Phd

Position: assistant professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Resocialisation, Criminology, and Human Rights Research


E-mail: knawrocka[at]aps.edu.pl

Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3515

Main research areas

  • criminology, female crime, women imprisonment, the effectiveness of rehabilitation, rehabilitation programs

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic career 

    Doctor of Humanities, in Pedagogy (2011), Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, The Maria Grzegorzewska University.


    Zajenkowska, A., Jasielska D., Rajchert J., Nawrocka K., (i in.). (2021). Wellbeing and sense of coherence among female offenders and non-offenders: the importance of education, Prison Journal, 1(101), 41-59.

    Nawrocka, K., Zozula, J. (2020). [The functioning of people with disabilities in penitentiary isolation: a pedagogical and legal study.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.

    Nawrocka, K., Marczak, M. (red.). (2018). [Social reintegration of people leaving penitentiary facilities with the support of the local community.]  Lublin: Studio Graficzno - Reklamowe Piotr Cichosz.

    Nawrocka, K. (2014). [Victims and harpies. Social skills of women convicted of murder.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.

    Marzec-Holka, K., Nawrocka, K., Moleda, J. (red.). (2014). [Current conditions and patterns of rehabilitation, reintegration, and inclusion processes.] Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej.

    Research projects

    2017/2018 The functioning of people with disabilities in penitentiary isolation. Pedagogical and legal study - project manager - Katarzyna Nawrocka, Jolanta Zozula

    2018/2019 The fate and life orientations of women sentenced to life imprisonment - project manager

    Positions held 

    Member of the Education Quality Team at the Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences

    Tutor of student internships

fotografia osoby Katarzyna Nawrocka