XVIII International UNESCO Chair Summer School
We cordially invite you to join our 18th UNESCO Chair International Summer School 2025 from 22-26.09.2025. The theme of this year’s Summer School is: EDUCATORE: Wellbeing, research and practice.
As part of the Summer School you can take tours in Korczak’s footsteps, take part in methodology and wellbeing workshops, and engage with the Academy of Young Researchers (26.09) under the umbrella of Methodological Advancements in Sociological Research and Education.
You can also take part or present at the ESA RN10 Mid-term International Conference (26.09). The theme of the International Conference is Resilience and Well-being in Academic Endeavours.
For more information: ESA RN10 Mid-term Conference
The Institute of Political Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences is a supporting partner the Summer School. The Institute was founded in 1990 and brings together leading Polish political scientists, historians and sociologists in order to create a unique environment where innovative knowledge and policy expertise is produced. The Institute`s mission is to conduct high-level multidisciplinary research that investigates political and social change at the crossroads between East and West.
Summer School Program:
22.09 Cultural Day
23.09 In Korczak Footsteps
24.09 Educatore – Wellbeing and Resilience day
Open Lecture - Prof. Obrillant Damus, UNESCO Chair from Haiti, "Global citizenship education, through the prism of regenerative and restorative pedagogy"
followed by:
IFIS Methodological Workshop - TBC
PAN Methodological Workshop - Dr Magdalena Lemanczyk
ESA RN10 Mid-term Conference with Doctoral Students Union
Young Researcher Academy for Methodological Advancements in Sociological Research and Education; Resilience and Well-being in Academic Endeavours
To register for the full summer school send an expression of interest by writing to unescochair@aps.edu.pl
We provide facilities and facilitators, full academic program of activities and UNESCO Chair/ Maria Grzegorzewska University certification.
We do not cover costs of accommodation, flights, subsistence, VISA, health insurance which has to be covered by the persons taking part in the events or their home institutions. We do not arrange the above but will be happy to provide necessary information.
Main venue: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej - Erasmus+ (aps.edu.pl) Maria Grzegorzewska University APS Ul. Szczesliwicka 40, 02-353 Warsaw, Ochota District.
We cordially invite you to join our 17th UNESCO Chair International Summer School 2024 from 17-22.09.2024, co-organized with Polish Janusz Korczak Association (PSJK) and IKA International Korczak Association. The theme of the summer school is: Education for Peace for Children and Youth. Legacy of Janusz Korczak/Henryk Goldszmit as a Challenge for Our Future.
As part of the summer school you can take tours in Korczak’s footsteps, engage with Academy of Young Researchers organized by Polish Pedagogical Association (18.09) under the umbrella of: Towards humanity and education for peace (registration page: Ku człowieczeństwu i Edukacji dla Pokoju (aps.edu.pl))
You can take part or present at the Mid-term ISA RC25 International Conference (19-20.09).
The theme of the International Conference is: Researching discursive and linguistic barriers to social inclusion
For more information: ISA RC25 International Conference at APS - registration of abstracts soon Conference registration: Researching discursive and linguistic barriers to social inclusion (aps.edu.pl)
Costs and how to register:
To participate in the events you need to register you and if you wish to present also register your abstract. To register abstract for the ISA RC25 conference click here: Researching discursive and linguistic barriers to social inclusion (aps.edu.pl) – participation fee is 35 euro or 150 PLN – it covers refreshments during the event
To register for Academy of Young Researchers click here: Ku człowieczeństwu i Edukacji dla Pokoju (aps.edu.pl) - participation fee is 25 euro or 100 PLN – it covers refreshments during the event
To register for the full summer school send an expression of interest by writing to unescochair@aps.edu.pl
Deadline for all the above is 5th of May 2024.
We provide facilities and facilitators, full academic program of activities and UNESCO Chair/ Maria Grzegorzewska University certification.
We do not cover costs of accommodation, flights, subsistence, VISA, health insurance which has to be covered by the persons taking part in the events or their home institutions. We do not arrange the above but will be happy to provide necessary information.
Main venue: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej - Erasmus+ (aps.edu.pl) Maria Grzegorzewska University APS Ul. Szczesliwicka 40, 02-353 Warsaw, Ochota District.
Project partners:
- RC25 ISA – Research Council Language and Society of International Sociological Association, est. by UNESCO in 1948
- Polish Academy of Sciences PAN/PAS, Institute of Political Studies
- Polish Educational Research Association PTP
- IKA International Korczak Association
- Polish Janusz Korczak Association PSJK
Researching Social Inclusion, Political Discourse, Policy, and Education
In line with the key principles guiding UNESCO call for action, the 16th International Summer School seeks to promote innovative thinking and active response to the major contemporary global challenges.
Inspired by the vision of the 2030 Agenda and the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals, especially SDG 4 aimed at ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all, we seek to stimulate and promote an interdisciplinary dialogue. Emphasis will be placed in political discourses, social policies, education and human rights; all of them crucial for building more inclusive and sustainable societies.
What we offer:
The 12 day program will include workshops, lectures and a research project with opportunity to present at the two-day closing event – International Mid-term ESA RN10 conference that will take place on 21-22.09.2023* Weekend programme will include city walks with tasks.
Participation in the Summers School Programme is free for participants.
Participants will receive certificate of recognition as the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair Fellows 2023.
Subject to positive review process we will offer opportunity to publish research findings from the summer school proceedings in one of our journals or the UNESCO JK Chair book series.
Daily schedule comprises methodology and research toolkits, workshops and lectures, working on individual research project dedicated to combatting hate speech, islamophobia and other ‘isms’, in mindfulness of Global Citizenship Education and Education for Peace.
The Summer School is co-funded by the European Commission under the EMPATHY: Challenging discourse about Islam and Muslims in Poland, EU funded project: 101049389 CERV-2021-EQUAL
For more information about the Program and Registration: Summer School 2023
Poster PDF available here
Detailed program of the Summer School
"Road to Social Inclusion"
Patronages UNICEF Polska, Polish Commission for UNESCO.
Co-funded by an EU project EMPATHY: Let’s Empower, Participate and Teach each other to
Hype Empathy: Challenging discourse about Islam and Muslims in Poland - 101049389 CERV2021-EQUAL;
Co-funded by EU: Project titled: End of Disaster: Undoing Crisis. Active Tutors Open to
Reflective Education(EDUCATORE)
Day 10-13.30 Lunch break 14.00-17.00
22 May (SUNDAY) Arrival to Warsaw
23 May (MONDAY) Academic Workshops Break Self-reflection
24 May (TUESDAY) Academic Workshops Break Reflective exercise
25 May (WEDNESDAY) Academic Workshops Break Reflective exercise
26 May (THURSDAY) International Conference Person (aps.edu.pl) (100 euro)
27 May (FRIDAY) Person day 2 - Academy of Young Researchers, online program for the
above conference
28 May (SATURDAY) Culture and History - In Korczak footsteps – exploration of Warsaw sites
and history// or The history of communism – exploration of Warsaw sites
and history around the PRL era
29 May |(SUNDAY) Culture and History - Looking for traces of Islam in Warsaw - exploration
of Warsaw sites and history
30 May (MONDAY) Academic Workshops Break Reflective exercise
31 May (TUESDAY) Academic Workshops Break Reflective exercise
1 June (WEDNESDAY) Children’s Day –
Children’s rights
interactive exhibition
Break Cultural Activities and
reflective practice
2 June (THURSDAY) International Conference Discourses of Childhood and Social Education
(50 euro)
3 June (FRIDAY) International Conference Discourses of Childhood and Social Education –
day 2 – Academy of Young Researchers and online session for
participants who cannot travel to Warsaw
4 June (SATURDAY) Departure
Opportunities to publish
1, Journal article in Language, Discourse & Society - thematic issue Discourses of childhood
and children’s rights in the context of social inclusion, due in June 2022*, edited by Ewa
Dąbrowa and Cecilia Zsogon. (Submissions of full texts by 28th Feb 2022).
2,Chapter in a book titled Social pedagogy and children's rights discourses, published in the
UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair book series, due in November 2022**, edited by Anna
Odrowaz-Coates, Joanna Madalińska-Michalak. (Submissions of full texts by 20th June 2022).
If you take part in the full program you are exempt from the summer school fees. The only fee you
need to pay is the conference participation dues which are: 150 euro in total. You can also opt for
individual events and enroll for a singular conference instead.
We do not provide travel, accommodation, subsistence, visa, nor health insurance. These must be
arranged by participants themselves on individual basis.
This is a unique opportunity to collect several attendance and active participation certificates over
the period of 12 days: The UNESCO International Summer School Certificate (if you stay for the full
programme), The Person International Conference Certificate, The EU project certificate, The
UNESCO JK Chair International Conference.
The information about the program will be updated soon Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej - UNESCO
Janusz Korczak Chair – International Summer Schools (aps.edu.pl)
UNESCO JK Chair International Summer School 2022
"Road to Social Inclusion"
Dear UNESCO JK Chair Fellows, Dear future Fellows,
In 2022 the yearly event will take place in May and June. Main events will take place between 22nd May and 10th June 2022.
The summer school will coincide with a 100 years celebration at our university, so you will enjoy international conferences and seminars on top of regular research and study programme.
Main events during the summer school, apart from research methodology workshops and invited lectures are:
25-27th May - International Social Inclusion Conference
2-3rd June - International Social pedagogy and children's rights discourses Conference
We will also provide self-study online materials, cultural events and a trip to the UNESCO heritage site during the Warsaw guided tour "Warsaw, city of Korczak, In Korczak's footsteps".
For registration forms, enquiries about available bursaries and visa information enquire here: unescochair@aps.edu.pl
Self-funded participants may be subject to a fee waiver, please contact us with personal enquiries if you qualify to join for free.
Paying participants are expected to cover the cost of their participation in the summer school at a fixed rate: 1250 PLN for the full programme.
We look forward to hosting you in the beautiful city of Warsaw. More information about our University is available here: folder APS EN__24-11-2020
Summer School COVID-19 Update
Due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic situation the summer school 2021 will become an online prelude to the next year’s event 2022 planned to happen on site.
We will run a couple of scientific seminars online at the end of June 2021 to start the conversation going, create a network, start some joint activities, cultural and scientific exchanges, prepare for your stay in Poland.
We will continue collecting application forms throughout the year until December 2021. To check your eligibility and obtain the application form please message unescochair@aps.edu.pl
Provisional dates for the UNESCO JK Chair International Summer School 2022 are now:
16.05.2022-15.06.2022 for the UNESCO scholarship recipients (the dates are subject to small changes, we will keep you updated) and
16.05.2022-28.05.2022 for the self-funded participants (the dates are subject to small changes, we will keep you updated).
The summer school will coincide with a 100 years celebration at our university, so you will enjoy international conferences and seminars on the top of regular research and study programme.
Online scientific seminars 2021 are planned for 01.07-02.07.2021 – links for zoom sessions will be sent to registered participants. Register here : unescochair@aps.edu.pl
Thank you for you patience.
“The road to social inclusion”
at The Maria Grzegorzewska University (APS)
Coming from diverse backgrounds and a multitude of countries, we will share knowledge about the roots of social inclusion (regional and national roots).
We will introduce the pioneer of special education in Poland, Maria Grzegorzewska (1887-1967), who is also a founder of our University and a powerful voice for rights of children and adults with disabilities. We welcome contributions from participants related to similar figures in their countries or regions.
We will also focus on Janusz Korczak’s contribution (1878-1942) to the development of children’s rights and childhood studies. Once again, we welcome input from participants about champions of children’s rights in their regions.
Furthermore, we will work together within the interdisciplinary field, to diagnose current advancements in social inclusion around the world and we aim to identify and develop beacons for the future within the field of social inclusion.
During the International Summer School 2021, we will share knowledge of modern research tools and methodological advancements in the field. We will tailor the workshops and lectures to the needs of the participants. We also hope to immerse our visitors in the rich culture and history of Poland and introduce them to Warsaw, the city of Korczak.
The call is open to practitioners, academics, researchers, doctoral and MA students with passion for social inclusion. To apply, one should prepare a manuscript about social inclusion in your respective country or region, with a particular focus on 3 aspects:
- historic roots and main figures for inclusion
- the current situation, influence of local and international policy
- the way forwards
The paper may also discuss barriers to social inclusion and ideas for the overcoming of such obstacles.
The UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School operates under the patronage of the Polish Commission for UNESCO and a number of bursaries will be available to scholars in an open and transparent procedure. If successful, you will be expected to spend 30 days in Warsaw, which is the condition for allocation of the bursary. The bursary is 2200 PLN in total, and it is meant to help cover all your expenses including accommodation, subsistence, health insurance and your visa. How else can we help in organizing your stay? We offer a letter that may support your VISA application. We may suggest places to stay. If you receive a bursary, we will not charge you any fees for participation in the summer school 28.06-09.07.
Conditions for applying for a bursary: your country is a lower income country (B or C), with category C being a priority*; you already have a degree, at least an MA or PhD – electronic copies of diplomas should be sent for us to verify. You need to send us the application form, the letter of support from an established academic, a scan of your highest degree certificate and the paper that you wish to contribute.
If you are self-funded or funded by your institution, the participation fee is 1200 PLN (approx. 285 euro). The fee covers: academic, research and cultural activities. The fee does not cover your accommodation, subsistence, health insurance or visa.
COVID-19 Pandemic situation provisions
Due to the dynamic situation related to the global COVID-19 pandemic, we have also prepared an alternative plan, where part of the summer school may take place online. In such an instance, the fee will be significantly reduced and completely waved for lower income countries. The list of lower income countries (B and C*) can be found here: *https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/membership/table-of-economies-by-category
Expressions of interest:
A few words about our University, established in 1922 in Warsaw, the city of Korczak
Our university is a hub of social sciences, education and special pedagogy. In the last 100 years we have taught 35 specializations at our University, employed 2 000 academic teachers and graduated 24 000 alumni. Our University is audited and accredited by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. We process doctoral, post-doctoral and professorial titles. The scope of our research reflects the interdisciplinary character of social sciences and it includes: pedagogy, special education, social education, art education, social prevention and social work, philosophy, sociology and psychology. Our Interdisciplinary Doctoral School teaches social sciences: psychology, pedagogy and sociology. PhD candidates are recruited once a year in an open competition. There are no tuition fees and doctoral candidates receive a special bursary. The aim of the doctoral school is to support the personal and professional development of researchers on their way to scientific independence.
The UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy was established in 2004 and
since 2006, every year the Chair organizes International UNESCO/ Janusz Korczak Summer Schools. Email: unescochair@aps.edu.pl
A quick peek from the last 2 summer schools
13th UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School
We present this year's experts and tutors PDF link
13th UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School
2020 will take place online in September 2020 with a short taster module available in July
"In Korczak's footsteps (Korczak's heritage and philosophy of education)"
The interdisciplinary academic course is provided in English
and is aimed mainly at educators and researchers, towards key skills development
Draft content 14-18.09.2020
Theme |
Hours |
Main Korczak's philosophical ideas |
2 |
Korczak as global philosopher of education and childhood |
3 |
Reflectivity practice with Korczak's lenses |
2 |
In Korczak's footsteps around Warsaw - field workshop |
10 |
The idea of self-governance and responsibility of a child: newspaper, court |
5 |
Bobo, the infant perspective (Lecture and workshop) |
3 |
Field workshops: ‘critically’ about Korczak |
6 |
Korczak inspired Convention on Children's Rights |
3 |
Stories and novels by Korczak |
4 |
Reflective feedback – Korczak’s toolkit for self-assessment |
2 |
Hours total |
40 |
Place of study: Global reach. Led by the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw. All activities will happen online. Recruitment closes on the 14.06.2020. To ensure participation please fill in the registration form enclosed and send it to unescochair@aps.edu.pl; and pay the fee within 10 days from sending the form.
Participation cost: 450 PLN per person. (This is about 110 euro)
It covers course materials, content tuition and online course certificates.
Payment to Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej
Ul. Szczesliwicka 40
02-353 Warsaw
Account number: PL 84 2490 0005 0000 4600 6042 6422
Bank: Allior Bank SA
Swift Code (BIC) – ALBPPLPW
Payment ID: “Your Name, Surname. UNESCO Summer School”
The UNESCO / Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy organizes, since 2006, the International Summer Schools for young scholars and researchers in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, sociology.
13th UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair International Summer School
"In Korczak's footsteps (Korczak's heritage and philosophy of education)"
The interdisciplinary academic course is provided in English and is aimed mainly at educators and researchers towards key skills development
Date of event 14-18.09.2020
Place of study: Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, field workshops in institutions located in the city of Warsaw.
Expressions of interest: unescochair@aps.edu.pl;
Recruitment closes on the 14.05.2020
Participation cost: 450 PLN (approx. 120 euro) per person.
It covers course materials, content tuition and course certificates.
It does not cover accommodation or subsistence.
Janusz Korczak PRIZE for GLOBAL SOUTH, (Funded by the Rector of Maria Grzegorzewska University). There will be a possibility to enter a competition for 2 scholarships; dedicated to scholars from the global South. The competition rules and eligibility will be announced shortly.
Summer School participants presenting at the Congress of Pedagogy, Young researchers' Academy Day
Summer school participants presenting amongst 89 academics from 50 countries at the ISA RC25 International Conference "Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences"
Gender equality and children’s equality in liberal and conservative discourses
Implications toward language and society
12th International Summer School will take place at Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw between 1-30th September 2019.
The University is a Hub of Janusz Korczak and Maria Grzegorzewska pedagogical influence (scholars and practitioners vital for the international issues of human rights and children’s rights). Since 2006 more than 120 PhD students, post doctoral researchers and academicians from 30 countries around the world participated in previous summer schools.
This year 2019 we will host recipients of UNESCO fellowships and research experts from 5 continents representing 19 countries. Research programme attracted participants representing the following countries: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burundi, Germany, India, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, UK, USA, Venezuela and Poland.
The accompanying International Conference of ISA RC25 (Language and Society Research Council) will bring academics from further 20 countries, to share the research advances with.
This is truly a remarkable occasion to celebrate international collaboration, diverse language landscapes and methodologies.
Hosts and volunteers of the Summer School
Confirmed Experts
A list of participants
11th International Summer School: "International experiences in the area of refugee and migrant children's adaptation - theory, research, praxis"
Between 7 - 16 September 2017 the UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw (Poland) will hold the 11th International Summer School entitled: "International experiences in the area of refugee and migrant children's adaptation - theory, research, praxis".
We kindly invite graduates of pedagogy, psychology, sociology and anthropology as well as other social sciences, PhD students, academics and researchers whose academic-research work and practical activities are linked to the subject. We also invite practitioners whose activities are related to this Summer School's issues.
Partners and sponsors:
The Polish National Commission for UNESCO, The CEEPUS Programme-Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange, Polish Migration Forum, The Fundation for Somalia, Polish Janusz Korczak Association, PRO HUMANUM Association, Fundation for Children "Help in Time"
Honorary Patronage:
The Polish National Commission for UNESCO, UNHCR Poland, The Polish Ombudsman for Children, The Commissioner of Human Rights, International Janusz Korczak Association (IKA), M.A. Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights
The Summer School programme includes lectures, lectures with discussion, workshops, discussions, study visits, individual meetings with academics and other experts as well as discussion meetings devoted to the participants’ research work and practical activities realized by them.
School's accompanying events:
- Intercultural workshops: September 5th 2017, 10.00-15.00 (Chancellor's room). Program
- Book presentation: Manfred Liebel, Urszula Markowska-Manista, Prawa dziecka w kontekście międzykulturowości. Janusz Korczak na nowo odczytywany (Children's rights in the context of interculturalism. Janusz Korczak revisited), Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warszawa 2017. Prepared within the project “Polnisch – Deutsche wissenschaftliche Dialoge über Kinderrechte, Janusz Korczak und Migration / Polish- German academic dialogues about children’s rights, Janusz Korczak and migration”, no. 2016-07 received funding from the Polish-German Foundation for Science/ Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung for the years 2016 i 2017. Book cover
- Photo exhibition entitled: THE KIDS OF EAST TIMOR ON THE ROAD FOR A BETTER FUTURE Experience from the field work in East Timor 2017, author: Slavena Ilieva:
Slavena Ilieva (Bulgaria) holds M.A in Spanish philology and Interpretation, M.A in Diplomacy and International Relations; M.A in Human rights and Democratization from Universities in Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and France. She is fluent in 6 languages. She has participated in a number of election missions in Latin America, Asia and Africa with EU EOMs. She has also worked on a variety of projects in Spain, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Uganda, and Equatorial Guinea as an interpreter, communication officer, and researcher. She has participated in international conferences related to migration, international cooperation, culture and education. Currently is collaborating with the Bulgarian National Radio, working as an educator and interpreter for NGOs and businesses. With passion she is studying and exploring the culture and traditions of different countries and societies. She is passionate to communicate with local people; in every trip she does not miss to capture on “film strip” the genuine colors of nature, life and the traditions of the society. Every year she has the chance to work with kids from socially disadvantaged families in winter and summer camp schools organized by NGOs to supports the kids and their families
She is an open-minded person and in the further future she aspires to have more opportunities to interact with and present different cultures, traditions. Her work has been exhibited in Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia, Madrid and Strasbourg.
With the Exhibition “THE KIDS OF EAST TIMOR ON THE ROAD FOR A BETTER FUTURE”, I would like to present the innocent breath of life, to picture out the authentic portrait of the kids from East Timor and their reality. I do dedicate that Exhibition to the inspiring and extremely modest kids of East Timor. Even though the extreme poverty, the MALAE (the foreigner) is always a friend. With their particular and tender curiosity, combined with a begging look, but not begging for food or money, moreover, trying in a way to attract and gain your attention, to communicate with you and to reaffirm his presence in the 21st century.
The language used during the school activities is English.
This year we host representatives from: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Georgia, Israel, Moldova, Poland, Russia Federation, Romania, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey and Ukraine.
Contact: unescochair@aps.edu.pl
The 3rd International Congress on the Rights of the Child
Lecturers and experts; participants; organizers; volunteers
Participant data (recruitment is closed)
Information for (paying for yourself) participants:
Account holder address: ul. Szczęśliwicka 40, PL-02-353 Warszawa
Bank name: Alior Bank SA
IBAN: PL 61 2490 0005 0000 4530 3456 2606
Reference: International Summer School 2017 - [your name]
Polish National Commision for UNESCO Scholarship:
Like every year the sholarship cover the cost of accommodation, food, participation in the International Summer School, materials and an official dinner.
Travel, visa, insurance costs or the cost of transfer from and to the airport are not covered.
The problems of the 11th International Summer School: “International experiences in the area of refugee and migrant children's adaptation - theory, research, praxis”, which will be held between 7th and 16th September 2017 at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, relate to an exchange of international experiences connected with academic and research as well as practical aspects of contemporary migration problems.
The subjects focus on three key issues:
Theoretical premises and challenges which researchers and practitioners face in the contemporary migration crisis,
Research referring to the situation and needs of refugee and migrant children and youth as well problems in their adaptation and integration in host and transit countries,
Practices connected with the support for migrant and refugee children and youth and their closest environment.
An interdisciplinary look at the processes of adaptation, integration and education of migrants and refugees- children and youth – in the societies of the EU and outside EU, will facilitate a better understanding of the complexity of the problem and allow to design comprehensive pro-integration solutions. It will also allow to change the (media and didactic) language of description into a culturally sensitive one, a language which accommodates the right of every person to respect and dignity.
It is important as much as the migration crisis is also understood as a crisis in psychological, pedagogical and didactic work oriented towards both the majority (host societies) and the newcomers – migrants and refugees. Such a view on the crisis results first of all from an unused potential and resources of intercultural educators and psychologists. On the other hand, it refers to socially harmful integration practices imprinted in the rituals of school communities and a visible fragmentary character or absence of intercultural preparation and support, including the support provided to children, youth and adults in communication and work in an increasingly diversified society.
The number of refugees in Europe has been growing systematically for several years, nevertheless, in 2015 a record number of 1.3 million asylum applications was submitted in the European Union[1].
The weight of the problem and its character as well as the temperature of social pseudodiscourse (both at a micro and macro level) constitute important premises to address this subject in international interdisciplinary teams which bring together both academics and researchers as well as practitioners whose activities focus on the issues of migration and refugeeism. In the era of migration crisis, understood also as a crisis in values and attitudes, the motivation to create a space, an ideologically neutral and methodologically correct, international, theoretical and research-related debate as well as praxis based on knowledge (including academic knowledge) is both intellectual and utilitarian.
[1] Data: report by Ph. Connor, Number of Refugees to Europe Surges to Record 1,3 Million in 2015 (Pew Research Center, August 2, 2016).
Important information:
This year part of the Summer School is connected with the International Congress on Children's Rights - the 8. International Korczak Conference entitled: „The Open Window – A sense of freedom” to celebrate the activities for children and the 75th anniversary of the death of Janusz Korczak, Stefa Wilczyńska and the children from the orphanage.
The events is co-organized by: the Ombudsman for Children of the Republic of Poland and the International Janusz Korczak Association (IKA). Among the partners are: The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University, UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair MGPU and the POLIN - Museum of the History of Polish Jews.
More: http://www.korczak2017.com/
- 2016
10th International Summer School "The contemporary problems of children and childhood in multicultural societies- theory, research, praxis", 15th -24th September 2016, Warsaw, Poland,
It is our pleasure to inform You that this year's International UNESCO Summer School has received the Honorary Patronages of
The Polish National Commission for UNESCO, Association of Polish National Committee for UNICEF, The Commissioner for Human Rights, The Polish Ombudsman for Children, International Janusz Korczak Association and M.A. Childhood Studies and Children's Rights.
The Polish National Commission for UNESCO, The CEEPUS Programme-Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange, Polish Janusz Korczak Association and The Fundation for Somalia.
With regard to the strong interest in the 9th Summer School organized by the UNESCO Chair devoted to readaptation and reintegration as problems of refugee children, we would like to continue the subject of a child functioning in “vulnerable contexts” of multicultural societies in our research, theoretical and practical investigations. We are interested in the current problems related to the increasing flux of refugees and migrants, not only in the European Union countries, but also in the countries of the Caucasus, Arabian Peninsula, Africa and Central Asia. The problems related to the socio-psychological and pedagogical functioning of children in the contemporary multicultural societies (affected by the new quality of migration processes) seem to be particularly important for researchers, academic teachers, education politicians, pedagogues, teachers, practitioners and the staff connected with diagnostic processes and school adaptation of culturally different children in host societies. What is equally important in the dimension of empirical and theoretical analyses are the consequences of migration, refugeeism and reintegration processes related to multicultural education and communication at school and in environments which support children, to teachers’ and pedagogues’ preparation to work in culturally diverse backgrounds as well as the psychological and pedagogical support for children in their resocialization and social integration.
We would like to look at the contemporary problems of children and childhood in multicultural societies through the prism of interdisciplinary exchange of research and practical experiences. Thus, we kindly invite graduates of pedagogy, sociology and anthropology as well as other social and humanistic sciences, doctorate students and young academics whose academic-research work and practical activities are connected with the problem of a child, childhood or areas related to and rooted in increasingly culturally diversified backgrounds and societies, to participate in the 10th Summer School.
The Summer School programme includes lectures, workshops, discussions, study visits, individual meetings with academics as well as discussion meetings devoted to the participants’ research work and practical activities realized by them. The language used during the school activities is English.
The team:
UNESCO Chair curator– prof. Adam Frączek
Coordination – Urszula Markowska-Manista, Ph.D., scientific secretary
Organization – Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, M.A., organizational secretary
Organization – Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka, Ph.D. Student, Intern of UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair
9th International Summer School “Readaptation and reintegration as problems of refugee children”, 14th- 24th September 2015, Warsaw, PolandBetween 14-24September 2015 the UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair on Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and Well-being at the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw organizes the 9th International Summer School “Readaptation and reintegration problems of refugee children.” Children have always been endangered to the entanglement in armed conflicts of the adult world. The previous century and the beginning of the present decade told us multiple stories about the life of children: witnesses, victims and perpetrators in conflicts around the world. For this reason, efforts made for the social integration of this generation should take into consideration psychological and educational support aimed at the child’s development and social reintegration. During the following summer school we will refer to three dimensions of the situation of children deprived of childhood: entangled in the role victims, witnesses and perpetrators in long-term (longue durée) conflicts and wars, namely: the situation; a psychological and social diagnosis of problems; practices supporting the work of non-governmental organizations and institutions as well as factors which condition the possibility of children’s return to the environments in which they were raised or the environments of new host countries. Young academics and students from universities and non-governmental organizations from Croatia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Romania, Italy, Ukraine, South Sudan and Poland will participate in lectures, workshops, study visits and seminars conducted in English. The subject of the School, referring to the socio-psychological entanglement of children in the contemporary armed conflicts and wars of the adult world as well as the consequences of the aforementioned processes and relating to the psychological and pedagogical support for the children in their resocialization and social reintegration seems particularly important in the present world. It is vital due to the fact that a tremendous percentage of today’s migrants and refugees are children- witnesses, victims and perpetrators of violence in present-day conflicts and wars, who exist in literature as “invisible children”, “children out of place”, children without access to children’s and human rights.
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Programme -
8th International Summer School "Problem behaviors in adolescence - forms, condition, prevention"
September 15th - 25th, 2014, Warsaw, Poland
7th International Summer School
"Psychological and educational support for pupils/students with diverse needs",
September 15th - 25th, 2013, Warsaw, Poland
The conference program
6th International Summer School “Children’s Rights: Currant Approaches and Solutions in Light of Korczak’s Pedagogical Theories”, September 16 – 22, 2012, Warsaw, Poland - organisation (along with the Polish National Commission for UNESCO as well as the International and Polish Janusz Korczak Associations) and management of the International Summer School “Children’s Rights – Current Approaches in Light of Korczak’s Pedagogical Theories”, held on September 16th – 21st and including lectures (by Mr M. Michalak, Ombudsman for Children of the Republic of Poland; professor Barbara Smolińska-Theiss, ASE; Ms Halina Bortnowska, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights; Ms Teresa Ogrodzińska, Comenius Foundation for Child Development; Ms Marta Ciesielska, Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research; and others), study visits (non-public gymnasium and high school managed by Ms Krystyna Starczewska; Child Right Protection Committee managed by Ms Mirosława Kątna; and others) and workshops. The participants included ASE students and post-graduate students, young scholars of pedagogy and psychology from Israel, Tadjikistan, Ukraine and Iran.
Fifth Edition of the International Summer School of Special Education ( September 2011) - the leading topic was Individual educational and therapeutic programs in the education of students with special needs. Participants were from Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Taiwan.
Fourth Edition was devoted to the subject of rehabilitation
Third Edition – the leading topic was “The student with specific learning difficulties – theory and practice”
Second Edition – “The pedagogy of the Janusz Korczak”
First Edition –“ The theory of training and educating people with intellectual disability”