Wykład otwarty profesor Erzsébet Barát

Aktualizacja: 26-02-2025

Zapraszamy na wykład otwarty realizowany w Szkole Doktorskiej APS

Wykład otwarty profesor Erzsébet Barát

Zapraszamy na wykład otwarty realizowany w ramach cyklu zajęć "Wykład profesora wizytującego" w Szkole Doktorskiej APS.

Nasze zaproszenie przyjęła profesor Erzsébet Barát z Central European University Vienna, która wygłosi wykład pt.  „Situated Knowledge: Neoliberalization of higher education nad restructuration of the Hungarian public university system” a następnie przeprowadzi warsztaty tylko dla doktorantów Szkoły Doktorskiej: "Qualitative Research Methodology"

Wykład odbędzie się 6 marca br. o godzinie 15.00 w sali 3213

Erzsébet Barát is Recurring Visiting Associate Professor at the Gender Studies Department, CEU since September 2000. She was Associate Professor at the Department of English, University of Szeged, Hungary (1989-2023). Dr. Barát holds a PhD in Linguistics from the Social Sciences Faculty, Lancaster University, UK. Her research interests include feminist critical theory, queer and transfeminism, relational models of identity, and the relationship between language, power and ideology, qualitative research methods. She was founding Editor-in-Chief of the Hungarian open access journal, TNTeF: Interdisciplinary e-Journal of Gender Studies (https://ojs.bibl.u-szeged.hu/index.php/tntef/index) (2010-2024). In 2005, she launched the annual gender studies conference in Hungary at the University of Szeged and organized it till 2021. She has been invited to run courses in MA and PhD programs, most recently at the University of Sundsvall, Sweden. She has been awarded the Käthe Leichter Guest Professorship in Gender Studies, Universität Wien in 2013 and 2023. The two recent research projects she has participated in are “Bodies in Transit: Genders, Mobilities, and Interdependencies” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity (2018-2022) and COST Action project “Decolonising Development” (CA 19129) (2020-2024). Her academic performance has been acknowledged by Nobilia, the Gender Studies Award, by the Gender Studies Forum, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall in November 2022; the UNESCO Chair Jubelee Medal by Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw for "relentless research activism in support of gender studies and women's and minority rights" in March, 2024; and the Kaffka Margit Award founded in 2020 by TNT, the Gender Studies Research Group, University of Szeged to acknowledge the awardee’s outstanding scholarship in gender studies in October 2024. She is a regular contributor to edited volumes and journals in English and Hungarian. Her publications are available at https://m2.mtmt.hu/gui2/?type=authors&mode=browse&sel=authors10022254 E-mail: zsazsa@.lit.u-szeged.hu
•“Dangerous Liaisons: Radical Conservative and Radical Progressive 
Discourses of ‘Gender’ in the Contemporary Hungarian Political 
Discourse. In: Silvana Carotenuto, Maša Huzjak, Renata Jambrešić Kirin 
& Biljana Kasic (Eds.) Feminist Trans/formations. Media, Art, 
Literature. l'Università di Napoli: L'Orientale, 2024, 19-34. 
Downloadable at:

•“Countering the prevalence of hate-rhetoric in right wing populist 
political communication” in Anna Odrowąż-Coates & Taiwo Afolabi (Eds.) 
Researching Social Inclusion. Warszawa: Maria Grzegorzewska University 
Press. 2023, 33-44. e-ISBN 978-83 ISBN 978-83
Open access at: https://zenodo.org/records/10244969

•“Gender Craze - Revoking the MA in gender studies in Hungary and 
right-wing populist rhetoric.” (2020) Eurozine.
Downloadable at:



Opublikowano: 26-02-2025