Agnieszka Dłużniewska Phd

Position: assistant professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Deaf Education and Research in the Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Hearing Impairments


E-mail: adluzniewska[at]

Phone: 589-36-00 wew. 3529

Main research areas

  • cognitive and metacognitive conditions for reading by children and adolescents with special educational needs; linguistic conceptualization of reality by hard of hearing and deaf people; the issue of the impact of social interactions and relations on the development of the language of hard of hearing and deaf children, language programming; linguistic, communicative and cultural competence and the didactic and social functioning of hard of hearing and deaf students in the aspect of cognitive linguistics

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic  career: 

    2005 -PhD, Faculty of Social Sciences, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

    1998 – 1999 - Postgraduate Studies in Surdologopaedics, Faculty of Humanities, The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin

    1996 – 1997 - Postgraduate Studies in Aphasiology, Faculty of Philology and History, University of Gdańsk

    1992 – 1995 Postgraduate Studies in Aphasiology and Surdologopaedics, Faculty of Humanities, The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin

    Postgraduate Studies in Educational Organization and Management

    1992 – Master's Degree, Faculty of Humanities, The Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin



    Dłużniewska, A. (2021). Rozumienie tekstów literackich przez uczniów z uszkodzeniami słuchu. [Understanding literary texts by students with hearing impairments]. Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”.

    Dłużniewska, A., Kuracki, K. (2023). Educational Support and the Choice of Metacognitive Reading Strategies under Exam Stress Among Students with and Without Dyslexia. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, vol. 23, 12(1), 455–475.

    Kuracki K, Dłużniewska, A. (2023). Exam stress and the metacognitive strategies of reading in students with dyslexia: The role of motivational mechanisms and educational support. PLOS ONE, 18(11): e0294255.

    Dłużniewska, A. (2024). Wczesne inicjacje czytelnicze dzieci z uszkodzeniami słuchu w perspektywie socjokognitywnych uwarunkowań rozwoju sprawności językowych. [Early reading initiations of hard-of-hearing and deaf children in the perspective of sociocognitive conditions for the development of language skills. Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej.


    Research projects:

    Research project manager: Behavioral problems of children with disabilities and the qualitative and quantitative dimension of support received by parents – BSTP 14/17
    project implemented in 2018–2019 as part of an internal grant from the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw.

    Research project manager: Linguistic adaptation and validation of the Parent Cognition Scale (J. D Snarr, A. M. Slep, V. P. Grande, 2009) – BNS 33/21-P, project implemented in 2020–2021 as part of an internal grant from the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw.

    Researcher in international research project (2021 - 2025): A global investigation into the personal narrative skills of children and adolescents (GU Ref No: 2020/942). Project manager: Prof. Marleen Westerveld (Griffith University).


    Positions held: 

    Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Szkoła Specjalna (2015 – 2020)

    Head of the Department of Surdopedagogy and Research in the Area of ​​Education and Rehabilitation of People with Hearing Disabilities (since October 2024)

    Member of the Senate Committee for Finance and Infrastructure of APS (2020 – 2023)

    Member of the Polish Society of Cognitive Linguistics

    Member of the Board of the Polish Association of Cued Speech Method

    Reviewer in Universal Journal of Educational Research (since 2020)


 - ikona sylwetki