Position: assistant professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Educational Research in Neurodiversity
E-mail: awaligorska[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 22 589 36 00 wew. 3518
Main research areas
- Effectiveness and feasibility of interventions for persons on the autism spectrum, evidence-based practice, integrating therapeutic approaches and methods in autism intervention based on empirical verification, co-occurrence of autism and other diagnostic entities, neurodiversity.
Publications, conferences, events
Academic career
2020 - Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education (UNS)
2008 - Doctorate in Psychology (SWPS)
2005 - Master's Degree in Psychology (UW)
2002 - Master's Degree in Art History (UW)
The most important publications in English or in Polish but with the title translated into English in square brackets up to 5 positions:
- Waligórska, A. (2023). Terapia czy edukacja? Oddziaływania oparte na dowodach w zaburzeniach neurorozwojowych na przykładzie spektrum autyzmu [Therapy or education? Evidence-based practice for neurodevelopmental disorders as exemplified by autism spectrum]. W: D. Bednarek, H. Bednarek (eds.). Psychologia edukacyjna [Educational psychology] (s. 333-350). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
- Waligórska, A., Kucharczyk, S., Waligórski, M., Kuncewicz-Sosnowska, K., Kalisz, K. i Odom, S. (2019). National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders (NPDC) model - an integrated model of evidence-based practices for autism spectrum disorder. Polish Psychiatry, 53 (4), 753-770.
- Rybakowski, F., Białek, A., Chojnicka, I., Dziechciarz, P., Horvath, A., Janas-Kozik, M., Jeziorek, H., Pisula, E., Piwowarczyk, A., Słopień, A., Sykut-Cegielska, J., Szajewska, H., Szczałuba, K., Szymańska, K., Urbanek, K., Waligórska, A., Wojciechowska, A., Wroniszewski, M., Dunajska, A. (2016). The role of genetic factors and pre- and perinatal influences in the etiology of autism spectrum disorders – indications for genetic referral. Polish Psychiatry, 50 (3), 543-554.
- Rybakowski, F., Białek, A., Chojnicka, I., Dziechciarz, P., Horvath, A., Janas-Kozik, M., Jeziorek, H., Pisula, E., Piwowarczyk, A., Słopień, A., Sykut-Cegielska, J., Szajewska, H., Szczałuba, K., Szymańska, K., Urbanek, K., Waligórska, A., Wojciechowska, A., Wroniszewski, M., Dunajska, A. (2014). Autism spectrum disorders – epidemiology, symptoms, comorbidity and diagnosis. Polish Psychiatry, 48 (4), 653-665.
- Waligórska, A., Pisula, E., Waligórski, M. i Letachowicz, M. (2012). AutismPro system in supporting children with autism in Poland. Pediatrics International, 54, 693-700.
Research projects up to 5 items:
- 2016-2020 – Pilot implementation of the NPDC model in therapeutic preschools for children with autism in Poland.
- 2024 – Long-term evaluation of the quality of therapeutic and educational intervention in the context of the implementation of the NPDC model in therapeutic preschools for children with autism in Poland.