Anna Waligórska Phd

Position: assistant professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Educational Research in Neurodiversity


E-mail: awaligorska[at]

Phone: 22 589 36 00 wew. 3518

Main research areas

  • Effectiveness and feasibility of interventions for persons on the autism spectrum, evidence-based practice, integrating therapeutic approaches and methods in autism intervention based on empirical verification, co-occurrence of autism and other diagnostic entities, neurodiversity.

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic career

    2020 - Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education (UNS)

    2008 - Doctorate in Psychology (SWPS)

    2005 - Master's Degree in Psychology (UW)

    2002 - Master's Degree in Art History (UW)


    The most important publications in English or in Polish but with the title translated into English in square brackets up to 5 positions:

    1. Waligórska, A. (2023). Terapia czy edukacja? Oddziaływania oparte na dowodach w zaburzeniach neurorozwojowych na przykładzie spektrum autyzmu [Therapy or education? Evidence-based practice for neurodevelopmental disorders as exemplified by autism spectrum]. W: D. Bednarek, H. Bednarek (eds.). Psychologia edukacyjna [Educational psychology] (s. 333-350). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
    2. Waligórska, A., Kucharczyk, S., Waligórski, M., Kuncewicz-Sosnowska, K., Kalisz, K. i Odom, S. (2019). National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders (NPDC) model - an integrated model of evidence-based practices for autism spectrum disorder. Polish Psychiatry, 53 (4), 753-770.
    3. Rybakowski, F., Białek, A., Chojnicka, I., Dziechciarz, P., Horvath, A., Janas-Kozik, M., Jeziorek, H., Pisula, E., Piwowarczyk, A., Słopień, A., Sykut-Cegielska, J., Szajewska, H., Szczałuba, K., Szymańska, K., Urbanek, K., Waligórska, A., Wojciechowska, A., Wroniszewski, M., Dunajska, A. (2016). The role of genetic factors and pre- and perinatal influences in the etiology of autism spectrum disorders – indications for genetic referral. Polish Psychiatry, 50 (3), 543-554.
    4. Rybakowski, F., Białek, A., Chojnicka, I., Dziechciarz, P., Horvath, A., Janas-Kozik, M., Jeziorek, H., Pisula, E., Piwowarczyk, A., Słopień, A., Sykut-Cegielska, J., Szajewska, H., Szczałuba, K., Szymańska, K., Urbanek, K., Waligórska, A., Wojciechowska, A., Wroniszewski, M., Dunajska, A. (2014). Autism spectrum disorders – epidemiology, symptoms, comorbidity and diagnosis. Polish Psychiatry, 48 (4), 653-665.
    5. Waligórska, A., Pisula, E., Waligórski, M. i Letachowicz, M. (2012). AutismPro system in supporting children with autism in Poland. Pediatrics International, 54, 693-700.


     Research projects up to 5 items:

    • 2016-2020 – Pilot implementation of the NPDC model in therapeutic preschools for children with autism in Poland.
    • 2024 – Long-term evaluation of the quality of therapeutic and educational intervention in the context of the implementation of the NPDC model in therapeutic preschools for children with autism in Poland.
fotografia osoby Anna Waligórska