Prof. Dr. Elżbieta Strutyńska-Laskus

Institute: Institute of Pedagogy

Unit : Department of Pedeutology


E-mail: estrutynska[at]

Main research areas

  • Determinants of teacher's actions/behavior; professional functioning of a teacher; professional role of a teacher and its relationship to self-efficacy; mature teacher.

Publications, conferences, events


  • PhD in Humanities in the field of Pedagogy, MA in Administration. Conducts pedagogical research. She is particularly interested in the empirical stream of knowledge about teachers. Since 2013, she has been working continuously at the Maria Grzegorzewska University. She is the author of two books: "Mobbing among teachers. Scope and conditions" (2014) and "Conditions for the well-being of teachers" (2022).

fotografia osoby Elżbieta Strutyńska-Laskus