Filip Chrypankowski MA

Position: assistant

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Interdisciplinary Research in Social Inclusion


E-mail: fchrypankowski[at]

Phone: 225893516

Main research areas

  • I am a special education teacher and I also work as a teacher on a daily basis. The practical experience provides me with knowledge about current educational, upbringing and preventive challenges. When working with students, they translate into searching for new and innovative methods. Scientifically, I am interested in the sense of estrangement and loneliness, as well as difficult and risky behaviors among young people at risk and socially maladjusted.


  • Publications:

    Chrypankowski F., Porembska M. (2022), Young people's attitudes towards people with disabilities, Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Education, 35, 25-39; 

    Chrypankowski F. (2023), Alcohol among young people - a comparative analysis of students of public and Catholic high schools, Szkoła Specalna, vol. LXXXIV, no. 3, pp. 207-218.

fotografia osoby Filip Chrypankowski