Position: assistant
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Interdisciplinary Research in Social Inclusion
E-mail: fchrypankowski[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 225893516
Main research areas
- I am a special education teacher and I also work as a teacher on a daily basis. The practical experience provides me with knowledge about current educational, upbringing and preventive challenges. When working with students, they translate into searching for new and innovative methods. Scientifically, I am interested in the sense of estrangement and loneliness, as well as difficult and risky behaviors among young people at risk and socially maladjusted.
Chrypankowski F., Porembska M. (2022), Young people's attitudes towards people with disabilities, Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Education, 35, 25-39;
Chrypankowski F. (2023), Alcohol among young people - a comparative analysis of students of public and Catholic high schools, Szkoła Specalna, vol. LXXXIV, no. 3, pp. 207-218.