Position: assistant professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Educational Research in Neurodiversity
E-mail: ikonieczna[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3518
Main research areas
- (1) the complex and multidimensional theoretical-empirical contexts of therapeutic pedagogy, (2) the diagnosis and educational support of a diverse group of students with special educational needs, and (3) interpersonal communication analysed in terms of developmental process, social action and special needs
Publications, conferences, events
Academic career
pedagogical therapist, Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw (2022)
doctor of humanities, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, Academy of Special Education (2012)
speech therapist, Institute of Educational Research, Ministry of National Education
in Warsaw (2008)
Master's degree in special pedagogy, specialisation: therapeutic pedagogy and pre-school education, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences, The Maria Grzegorzewska University (2007)
Konieczna, I, Miałkowska-Kozaryna, M. (2024). Polish teachers opinions on the distance learning of students with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Special Education, 39(1), 21-32. DOI:10.52291/ijse.2024.39.3
Konieczna, I. (2023). Communication interaction of a child with a chronic illness and an adult in an agreement-oriented conversation. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, stron 400, ISBN: 978-83-67721-19-6
Konieczna, I. (2023). Education of students with a chronic disease in a treatment facility- in the light of paradigmatic changes. Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny, vol. 42, 3, 119-135.
Konieczna, I. (2023). Schooling children and youth with chronic illness in a medical facility —an educational paradigm in the perception of special education teacher candidates. European Journal of Special Needs Education, July, 1-10. DOI:10.1080/08856257.2023.2233298
Konieczna, I., Smolińska, K. (2023). Functional assessment as a result of the joint actions of teachers and specialists - identifying problems to assess the impact of supporting the development of students. International Journal of Pedagogy, Innovation and New Technologies (IJPINT), Vol. 10, No. 2, 153-162. GICID: 01.3001.0054.279
Research projectsModel of communication competence of people with Asperger syndrome (No. BSTP/ 8 / 15 - I) - contractor
Model for supporting a child with autism spectrum disorders in an educational situation (No. BSTP/ 4 / 15 - I) - manager
Questionnaire for the functional assessment of communicative competence of students with Asperger syndrome - psychometric evaluation of the tool (No. BSTP 4/17 - I) - 2016/2017 - co-administrator
Strategies revealed by children with a chronic illness in an interview situation with an adult (BSTP 4/18-I) - 2018/2019 - project manager
Positions heldHead of the Department of Educational Research on Neurodiversity
Deputy Director of the Institute of Special Education from X.2019 to IX.2024
Member of the University Recruitment Committee continuously since 2011; currently of the Appeals Review Team
Member of the Polish Association of Special Educators
Member of the Teaching & Education Research Association
Member of the Association of North America Higher Education International
Member of the editorial board of the journal Special School
Reviewer for Central Examination Commission