Position: assistant professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Interdisciplinary Research in Social Inclusion
E-mail: mlejzerowicz[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3510
Main research areas
- inclusive education, stigmatization and social exclusion, issues of preparing academic staff to work with people with disabilities, ethical and social aspects of rehabilitation of people with disabilities, identity and disability, interdisciplinary dimensions of humanities and social sciences
Publications, conferences, events
Academic Career:
2016 - 2018 Postgraduate studies in education of students with disabilities;
2010 - 2012 Postgraduate studies in preschool and early childhood pedagogy with elements of pedagogical therapy;
2001 - Obtaining the degree of Doctor of Humanities;
Lejzerowicz, M., Ciechomska, M., Grabarczyk, D., [i in.]. (2022). Dostępność w kulturze – perspektywa uczestnicząca, Niepełnosprawność i Rehabilitacja, vol. 86, nr 2, s.18-32.
Lejzerowicz, M., Perkowska-Klejman, A., Kiss, J.-F. (2022). Changes in language about IDD, mental illness, disability in different countries in different languages [i in.], Language, Discourse, & Society, vol. 10, nr 1(19), s.43-53.
Lejzerowicz, M. (2021). Leszek Koczanowicz, Anxiety and Lucidity: Reflections on Culture in Times of Unrest, Society Register, 5(3), 113 - 120.
Lejzerowicz, M. (2021). Lęk i hamartia. Recenzja: Leszek Koczanowicz „Lęk i olśnienie. Eseje o kulturze niepokoju", Teksty Drugie, 3, 114-122.
Lejzerowicz, M., Podstawka, K. (2020) Developing authorship of own’s life in the learning process. Autoethnography, Niepełnosprawność i Rehabilitacja [Disability and Rehabilitation], 4, 22-29.
Lejzerowicz, M., Galbarczyk, M. (2020). Student's autonomy and the process of individualization in inclusive education. Rozprawy Społeczne/Social Dissertations, 14(3), 49 – 62.
Lejzerowicz, M., Tomczyk, D. (2018). Acquired disability: self-esteem and identity integration. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 49(2), 262–271.
Research projects:
"Teaching excellence in didactics" is a project implemented on the basis of an agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN / 2022/DIR/1821) under Measure 3.4 Management in higher education institutions POWR 03.04.00-00-P023/21
EDUCATORE - "End of Disaster: Undoing Crisis. Active Tutors Open to Reflective Education", Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej, Erasmis +;
Removal of barriers to social inclusion and social participation for children and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, SIIDD - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education- Erasmus+ 2019-1-SE01-KA203-060425;