Magdalena Wałachowska Phd

Position: assistant professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Interdisciplinary Research in Disability Studies


E-mail: mwalachowska[at]

Phone: 225893521

Main research areas

  • Contemporary theoretical concepts and practice of pedagogical and therapeutic support for children and adolescents with special developmental and educational needs; The social situation and the quality of life of families raising children with disabilities - the social security system, the role of non-governmental organizations and informal support groups; Autonomy and authorship of the life of adults with disabilities; Tutoring in the education of gifted students.

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic career:

    since 2011 - research and didactic worker with the degree of assistant professor, Department of Fundamentals of Special Pedagogy and Department of Interdisciplinary Disability Studies, The Maria Grzegorzewska University;

    10.2010 - obtaining a doctoral degree in humanities in the field of pedagogy, The Maria Grzegorzewska University. Title of the doctoral dissertation: "Education and rehabilitation of blind and partially sighted people in the activities of non-governmental organizations and selected government institutions of the Third Republic of Poland". Supervisor: prof. Jadwiga Kuczyńska - Kwapisz;

    2000 - 2010 - research and didactic worker with the degree of assistant, Department of Fundamentals of Special Pedagogy and Laboratory of Fundamentals of Special Pedagogy, The Maria Grzegorzewska University;

    10.2002 - 09.2002 - completion of two-year special studies in journalism, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Journalism and Political Science. The title of the diploma thesis: "Mother of home births" screenplay for a documentary film about the life and work of the midwife Irena Chołuj. Supervisor: editor Maciej Zimiński;

    10.1995 - 06.1997 - completion of two-year special studies "Family Life Study", Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Warsaw. Obtained qualifications to conduct family counseling and courses in the field of natural family planning methods;

    10.1995 - 05.2000 - completion of master's studies in the field of special education (specialization: typhlo-pedagogy), The Maria Grzegorzewska Higher School of Special Education. Master's thesis title: "Situation on the braille textbook market in Poland in the era of education reform". Supervisor: prof. Jadwiga Kuczyńska – Kwapisz;


    Wałachowska, M. (2023). Jakość życia z livedo waskulopatią: studium indywidualnego przypadku [Quality of life with livedo vasculopathy: an individual case study]. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, 36, 75-96.

    Wałachowska, M. (2022). Ojcostwo mężczyzny z niepełnosprawnością – możliwości i ograniczenia roli w perspektywie inkluzji społecznej [Fatherhood of a man with a disability – possibilities and limitations of the role in the perspective of social inclusion]. Acta Iuris Stetinesis, 3(39), 185-201.

    Wałachowska M. (2021). Edukacja zdalna – sytuacja trudna dla ucznia ze spektrum zaburzeń autystycznych i jego rodziny [Distance learning – a difficult situation for a student with autism spectrum disorder and his family] (s. 73-86). W: A. Lukasek, A. Fidelus (red.), Funkcjonowanie dziecka we współczesnym świecie. Współpraca z rodziną: wyzwania, zagrożenia, perspektywy. Józefów: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Euroregionalnej im. Alcide de Gasperi. 

    Wałachowska M. (2019). Dermatologiczna choroba przewlekła jako czynnik ryzyka wykluczenia społecznego [Chronic dermatological disease as a risk factor for social exclusion]. Kultura i Edukacja, 1, 263-282.

    Wałachowska M. (2019). Parenting of people with visual disabilities as an interdisciplinary context of contemporary special education. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, 26, 163-190.


    Research projects up to 5 items

    Developing mathematical talents through the practice of school tutoring.

    Mathematically gifted girls: talent development and psychosocial functioning.

    Quality of life with chronic dermatological disease (livedo vasculopathy).

    Motherhood in the narratives of blind women.

    Fatherhood in the narratives of blind men.


    Positions held

    Tutor for third-year students of Special Pedagogy (full-time studies)



fotografia osoby Magdalena  Wałachowska