Position: associate professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Deaf Education and Research in the Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Hearing Impairments
E-mail: mkupisiewicz[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3529
Main research areas
- specific learning difficulties in mathematics for children with hearing impairment; economic education of deaf and hard of hearing children and children with intellectual disabilities; meeting the needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in special and inclusive education; language and communication in the education of deaf and hard of hearing children; interdisciplinary terminological contexts in the field of special education; quality of life for adults who are deaf and hard of hearing;
Publications, conferences, events
Academic career:
Master's degree: (pedagogy/special pedagogy/surdopedagogy): Maria Grzegorzewska School of Special Education.
PhD: pedagogy: Faculty of Revalidation and Resocialization, Maria Grzegorzewska School of Special Education.
Habilitation: pedagogy: Faculty of Pedagogy, University of Warsaw.
Kupisiewicz, M. (2004). Edukacja ekonomiczna dzieci. Z badań nad rozumieniem wartości pieniądza i obliczeniami pieniężnymi. [Economic education of children. Research on understanding the value of money and monetary calculations.] Warszawa: Wyd. APS.
Kupisiewicz, M. (2005). Problematyka pedagogiki specjalnej na łamach czołowych polskich periodyków pedagogicznych po II wojnie światowej. [Issues of special education in the pages of leading Polish pedagogical periodicals after World War II]. Warszawa: Dom Wydawniczy ELIPSA.
Kupisiewicz, M. (2013). Słownik Pedagogiki Specjalnej. [Special Education Dictionary] Warszawa PWN.
Kupisiewicz M. (2015). Bariery w komunikowaniu się bezpośrednim dzieci i młodzieży z wadą słuchu ze słyszącymi rówieśnikami w świetle modelu komunikacji międzyosobowej Friedemanna Schulza von Thuna. [Barriers to direct communication between children and adolescents with hearing impairments and their hearing peers in the light of the interpersonal communication model by F. Schulz von Thun]. CZŁOWIEK – NIEPEŁNOSPRAWNOŚĆ – SPOŁECZEŃSTWO, 4(30), 33-54.
Kupisiewicz, M. ( 2020). Sprostać wyzwaniom – uczeń z wadą słuchu w edukacji inkluzyjnej. [Meet challenges‒ a student with hearing impairment in inclusive education]. Studia z Teorii Wychowania, XI (4(33), 87-112.
Kupisiewicz, M. (2023). Is the existence of special schools for deaf students under jeopardy? Selected aspects of international research in the field of deaf education education. Studia z Teorii Wychowania, XIV, 3(44), 211-233.
Participation in research projects (selected):
Increasing the effectiveness of education of pupils with special educational needs - a project implemented under the European Social Fund.
Special Education ‒ Integrative education.
Mental development support and mathematical education in the zero class grade and in the first year of school teaching. Psychological basics, program and methodology of conducting classes with children.
Positions held:
Head of Surdopedagogy Department