Position: associate professor
Institute: Institute of Special Education
Unit : Department of Education for the Visually Impaired and Research in the Education and Rehabilitation of Individuals with Visual Impairments
E-mail: mwalk[at]aps.edu.pl
Phone: 225893505
Main research areas
- Functional vision assessment and supporting of vision development in children with low vision; The specificity of the cognitive functioning of children with cerebral visual impairment; the developing of orientation and mobility of visually impaired children; early support for the development of children with visual impairment; Visual perceptual difficulties in children with specific learning disabilities.
Publications, conferences, events
Academic career
Habilitated doctor in the field of social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy - The Maria Grzegorzewska University (2019)
Sobek J., Walkiewicz-Krutak M. (2022). „Trudne macierzyństwo” kobiet wychowujących dzieci przedwcześnie urodzone. [The „difficult motherhood” of women raising prematurely born children]. Man – Disability – Society, 3(57), 75–100. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0016.3304
Walkiewicz-Krutak M. (2018). Mózgowe uszkodzenie widzenia u małych dzieci. Studium teoretyczno-empiryczne. [Cerebral Visual Impairment in young children. Theoretical and empirical study]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.
Walkiewicz-Krutak M., Paplińska M. (2019). The specific nature of difficulties in visual perception resulting from childhood brain tumors. Szkoła Specjalna, 4, 268-277.
Paplińska M., Walkiewicz-Krutak M. (2018). Visual impairment as a consequence of brain tumour: difficulties experienced by the child in spatial orientation, and in the cognitive, social and communication areas. Człowiek – Niepełnosprawność – Społeczeństwo, 2, 15–27.
Walkiewicz-Krutak M. (2017). Selected aspects of developing the ability to use vision in students with low vision. W: M. Wlazło, K. Kaliszewska (red.), Special Pedagogy, Conception and the Reality, vol. V, Special Education – new discoveries, s. 85–96. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego.
Walkiewicz-Krutak M. (2009). Funkcjonowanie wzrokowe małych dzieci słabowidzących. [Visual functioning of young visually impaired children]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.
Research projects
The specificity of visual perception in children with visual impairment of ophthalmic and cerebral etiology (2018). The aim of the project was to learn about the possibilities and limitations of visual perception in young schoolchildren with visual impairment caused by ophthalmic diseases and in children with brain dysfunction.
Pilot concept development and verification of the research tool - screening tests (developmental scrining) for young children aged 6 to 32 months (2016-2017). The aim of the project was to develop a concept, create and verify research tools aimed at monitoring the development of young children in a transdisciplinary aspect.
Profile of the functioning of children with cerebral visual impairment (2014-2015). The aim of the project was to learn the characteristics of the visual functioning of young children with cerebral visual impairment, i.e. specific features of visual functioning in terms of receptive abilities, oculomotor functions, visual-motor activities and visual-perceptual skills.