For more information: ISA RC25 International Conference at APS - registration of abstracts soon
Conference registration: Researching discursive and linguistic barriers to social inclusion (
To participate in the events you need to register and if you wish to present also register your abstract. To register abstract for the ISA RC25 conference click here:
Researching discursive and linguistic barriers to social inclusion (
Participation fee is 35 euro or 150 PLN – it covers refreshments during the event
Deadline for all the above is 7th of May 2024.
Please note that we do not cover costs of accommodation, flights, subsistence, VISA, health insurance which has to be covered by the persons taking part in the event or their home institutions. We do not arrange the above but will be happy to provide necessary information.
Main venue: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej - Erasmus+ ( Maria Grzegorzewska University APS Ul. Szczesliwicka 40, 02-353 Warsaw, Ochota District.
Project partners:
- RC25 ISA – Research Council Language and Society of International Sociological Association, est. by UNESCO in 1948
- Polish Academy of Sciences PAN/PAS, Institute of Political Studies
- Polish Educational Research Association PTP
- IKA International Korczak Association
- Polish Janusz Korczak Association PSJK
If you would like to contribute a paper and it will be ready before end of July 2024, please read this CFP for one of the upcoming publication opportunities:
Call for Papers NOVA Journal Now Open (
If you would like to take more time in Warsaw, perhaps you may be interested in other accompanying events
Warsaw (Poland), 21-22.09.2023
Mid-Term International Conference of The Research Network 10 (Sociology of Education) of the European Sociological Association is joining forces with the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, the Faculty of Education and the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy, to organise the International Mid-term ESA RN 10 Conference on 21-22nd of September 2023.
The eruption of the global COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine, economic crisis, unrest in many areas of the globe has dramatically deepened social differences in educational opportunities, a topic since the 1970s central to the Sociology of Education. Revealing the mechanisms of social reproduction in educational systems remains an important endeavour for sociologists of education.
We would like to use the lens of sociology of education to discuss quality vs. equity, to discuss quality of outcomes vs. wellbeing. We invite contributors from education, sociology of education and political sciences to present their research findings and their theoretical contributions to look at education systems, education policies, educational praxis and environmental considerations around access and quality.
We are particularly interested in research that pinpoints how to enhance wellbeing, resilience and motivation to create more inclusive, high-quality education. We are also interested in obstacles and challenges that stand in the way. We welcome researchers that tackle newly emerged phenomenon, such as post-Covid19 crisis, economic crisis, with new conflicts and wars emerging across the globe, the genocide still occurring and human rights being so very fragile in too many places in the world. We would also like to welcome research that discusses educational realities to support learners and their peers in the everyday struggles. We hope that some of the conference outcomes will translate into fostering the wellbeing and resilience of children, youths drawing from the innovative, reflective mindsets of the educators, whose wellbeing and mindfulness will cascade to the end-beneficiaries. By doing this we will also contribute to reinforcing inclusive educational ecosystems; foster inter‐university cooperation and internationalization efforts; strengthen consultation and communication mechanisms between educational institutions and countries and enhance the role of universities in producing research and enabling the circulation of knowledge to foster pedagogical innovation in a post-covid scenario.
Some research suggests that wellbeing is the foundation, the cornerstone for achievement and positive socio-educational outcomes. However, it remains open to interpretation if the policy and praxis sustainably fosters access and inclusion without hindering excellence and the potential for high quality education and for high quality outcomes.
In this conference we want to ask ourselves a question:
What is truly possible and desirable – the equality of opportunity or the equality of outcome? Are the policy postulates truly implemented in terms of high-quality inclusive education. What does inclusive education mean? How can it be achieved? Is it supporting individuals to flourish to the top of their availability? What does it mean to the general wellbeing and resilience of individuals and social groups? What does it mean for talent cultivation vs. failure to thrive in the system? How does it affect our future and the future of our society?
We would like to invite researchers interested in sociology of education, in educational policy, in the issues of social inclusion and exclusion within and throughout the education systems and the policy to join us and share their research.
The conference will be a 2-day event with an extra workshops' session for early-stage researchers on the day prior to the conference.
Registration closes 31.01.2023. All abstracts are subject to peer-review.
To foster social inclusion and to reduce costs to participants we will only charge a fee enabling us to provide refreshments and lunch vouchers for conference participants.
50 euro for participants from A cat. economies (according to OECD classification), who are not RN10 members
25 euro for B, C economies who are not RN10 members
RN 10 ESA members:
30 euro for A cat. participants who are RN10 members
10 euro for B, C cat. participants who are RN10 members
The fee is the same for both active and passive participants, who will all obtain a certificate of attendance. Presenters will receive confirmation of their presentation certificate.
For more information and registration: Wellbeing and Resilience in the Times of Crisis - Mid-Term International Conference of The RN10, ESA (
Poster PDF available here
International Conference
The conference "Discourses of childhood and social education" is part of the celebration of the centenary of Akademia Pedagogiki Specjlanej im. Maria Grzegorzewska and was taken under the patronage of UNICEF Poland and the Polish UNESCO Committee.
On the second day of the conference, the Academy of Young Scientists and on-line sessions are planned, related to, inter alia, the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the leading journal of international social pedagogy published at UCL in London - "International Journal of Social Pedagogy".
We cordially invite you to participate
Organizational information
When: June 2-3, 2022
Place: on-line and in Warsaw at Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Maria Grzegorzewska at ul. Szczesliwicka 40
Conference fees: PLN 400 for active participation on site and PLN 200 for online participation or with a discount for UNESCO summer school participants
Registration, detailed information: Conference website - Discourses of childhood and social education
Social media event: Facebook
Scientific Council of the Conference
Gatitu Kiguru, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Phyllis W. Mwangi, PhD, Kenyatta University, Kenya
Prof. Kathleen Manion, Royal Roads University, Canada
Taiwo Afolabi, PhD, University of Regina, Canada
Prof. Darrick Smith, University of San Francisco, USA
Prof. Kathleen Tacelovsky, Lebanon Valley College, USA
Cecilia Zsogon, PhD, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prof. Rudi Roose, UGent, Belgium
Prof. Lieve Bradt, UGent, Belgium
Assc. prof. Višnja Rajić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education
Asst. prof. Adrijana Višnjić-Jevtić, PhD, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education
Prof. Ivo Jirásek, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic
Rebecca Budde, PhD, Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Florica Ortan, University of Oradea, Romania
Julien Kiss, PhD, University of Oradea, Romania
Adriana Aubert Simon, PhD, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain (RN10 coordinator)
Cecilio Lapresta-Rey, PhD, University of Lleida (UDL), Spain
Professor Michael Brown, Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen's University, Belfast, UK
Prof. Claire Cameroon, UCL, UK
Dr. Gabriel Eichsteller, ThemPra Social Pedagogy, UK
Prof. Moshe Shner, Oranim Academic College, Israel
Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska, AMU, KNP PAN
Prof. dr. hab. Joanna Madalińska-Michalak, UW, WERA
Prof. Piotr Kostyło, UKW, PTP
Prof. Joanna Ostrouch-Kamińska, UWM
Prof. Jerzy Nikitorowicz, UB
Prof. Miroslaw Sobecki UwB
Prof. Agnieszka Naumiuk, University of Warsaw
Prof. Danuta Lalak, University of Warsaw
Prof. Alicja Szerląg UWr
Prof. dr hab. Mirosław Szymański, APS
Prof. Anna Perkowska-Klejman, APS
Prof. Anna Odrowąż-Coates, APS
The conference received funding from the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the "Excellent Science" program DNK / SP / 513983/2021
International Conference
2-3 of June 2022 @ Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, Poland
During the conference we will be celebrating 10th Anniversary of International Journal of Social Pedagogy IJSP (UCL, London)
Confirmed speakers:
Prof. Claire Cameroon UCL, UK; Prof. Darrick Smith University of California, USA; Prof. Rudi Roose UGent, Belgium; Prof. Kathleen Manion Royal Roads University, Canada; Prof. Mahesh TS (India), Stephen Okpadah, Nigeria; Prof. Višnja Rajić, University of Zagreb, Croatia; Prof. Ivo Jirásek, UTB, Czech Republic; Dr Tore Bernt Sørensen, UJ, Danmark;
Young Researchers Academy PERA on 3rd June 2022
Co-financed by Ministry of Education and Science “Excellent Science” DNK/SP/513983/2021
Link to registration
Education and the Challenges of the Multicultural Word - An Interdisciplinary Pespective Warsaw 2021
The Conference is co-financed in the programme “Excellent Science” (DNK/SP/464866/2020) by the Ministry Science and Higher Education
200 active participants and 1800 observers took part in the online conference. The live transmission is still available here:
We are currently working on accessible versions of single presentations that will be available on the APS YouTube channel soon.
The contemporary world is full of various, surprising occurrences arising in of dynamic changes and collisions of phenomena, often contradictory in their nature. Human, embedded in a world of various axiological systems and discourses, becomes a participant in the game of reason and belief that impedes dialogue and may be a source of conflicts.
In this perspective, the key question is about the role of education in preparing people for living in a multicultural world, marked by both opportunities and challenges. The answer requires a wider view, which is possible by adopting an interdisciplinary perspective.
The main goal of the conference is to create safe space for an extensive debate about education in the context of opportunities and challenges in the multicultural world.
Place the event:
The Maria Grzegorzewska University
Date of the event:
January 21-22, 2021
Zakład Podstaw Pedagogiki/Instytut Pedagogiki/Katedra UNESCO im. Janusza Korczaka
Ewa Dąbrowa
Phone: +48608585169
Contact persons:
Dr Marcin Szostakowski
Mgr Dagmara Kostrzewska
The project is co-financed under the program
Ministry of Science and Higher Education Excellent Science more ...
Honorary Patronage
Bernadette Brereton (ESA Research Network 10 - Co-Ordinator) is a doctor and an engaged HE teacher and researcher of 30 years’ experience, who has a significant number of professional accomplishments in her practice, scholarship and leadership. In 2020, she was one of nine nominees for the inaugural NFTL Teaching and Learning Research Fellowship, the most prestigious national individual teaching and learning awards in higher education in Ireland. As a NFTL Teaching Expert and previous member of the NFTL Professional Development Expert Group, she has a track record in informing policy change in teaching and learning and professional development. She has a wealth of hands-on experience in promoting technological enablement, inclusivity and student engagement. She is an excellent communicator with a strong national and international profile. She builds communities of practice and strengthens the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) through her work as a research leader, journal editor, author and reviewer.
Stéphanie Cassilde is both a developing economist and a sociologist. She focuses on the interaction between language and space. Language may refer to categorization processes, the way facts, ideas, etc. are described and analyzed. Space may refer to a concrete space (home for instance) or to representations, preferences. She is interested in the iterations of preferences and behaviors of individuals in social spaces toward their identities, social links (cohesion/conflict), housing (place to live), language and space. Her current interests include using competitive theoretical frameworks at the same time to both analyze dedicated question and shed light on knowledge production and dissemination.
Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska is professor of social sciences at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, dean of the Faculty of Educational Studies of this university, chairman of the Pedagogical Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Her research areas include youth, culture, social and work pedagogy, and the sociology of education.
Keiji Fujiyoshi is a Professor at Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan. His research concerns roles of archives in a society. He is interested in how people in a society deal with the past as their common heritage. He has ever convened three sessions on the theme in 2008 (The 38th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology (IIS) in Budapest, Hungary), in 2010 (The 83rd Annual Meeting of Japan Sociological Society (JSS) in Nagoya, Japan) and in 2012 (The 40th World Congress of IIS in Delhi, India). He joined the ISA RC25 in 2014 when the 18th World Congress of the ISA was held in Yokohama, Japan by the invitation of Dr. Celine-Marie Pascale whom he met at the IIS Congress in India. He then joined the RC25 board as Webmaster and enjoyed his role under the presidency of Amado Alarcón Alarcón from 2014 to 2018.
Sribas Goswami is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at Serampore College, University of Calcutta, where he has been since 2007. His research interests span both Sociology and Social Anthropology. Much of his work has been on problems of urban population, Land Acquisition and applied sociology. Dr. Goswami’s most recent books are Urbanisation Development and Discourse of Slum (New Delhi Publishers, 2015) and Land Acquisition India: Problems and Prospects (New Delhi Publishers, 2020). He is the author of more than sixty research papers and has co-authored books namely Coal mining, Communities and the Environment and Symbolic violence in socio-educational contexts: A post-colonial critique (Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej, 2017).
Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska is a psychologist and religious scholar, professor of human science at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. He is part of the Polish Diaspora Research Committee at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Migration Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. She is a specialist in clinical psychology, cultural psychology, cross-cultural psychology, psychology of migration, psychology of religion and religious studies.
Kathleen Manion is an educator and researcher, associate professor, who has spent the past 20 years working within social and community services. She is passionate about social justice and social inclusion and particularly interested in helping to bridge the gap between practitioner experiential knowledge, academic theory and policy objectives across multiple disciplines. Manion's interests lean towards supporting children and young people to reach their full potential. Using a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and community engagement processes, Manion has worked on projects tackling issues related to child protection, homelessness, healthy early childhood development, environmental protection, family violence, youth justice, and international social work.
Before joining Royal Roads in 2013, Manion’s diverse experience included research and practice in various countries and settings, working at both a national ministerial level and also at the grassroots. She has had a range of policy, practice, research and academic experience in social work, social justice and community development. She has taught various social work, sociology and research methodology courses at the University of East London and Vancouver Island University. Manion completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Waterloo (BA in psychology, diploma in peace and conflict studies and certificate in social work). She earned her master’s (international social work and community development studies) and her PhD in sociology from the University of East London in the UK. Manion's doctoral studies focused on the perceptions of the interventions with commercially sexually exploited girls in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom.
Barbara Marcinkowska is the Rector at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, expert in diagnosis, development and support of people with special educational needs and severe degree of conjoint disabilities, focussed on research and didactics for teachers and especially teachers involved with special education.
Joanna Madalińska-Michalak is a Full Professor of Social Sciences (Educational Research). She is based at the Faculty of Education, University of Warsaw, Poland. She is a Head of the Chair of Didactics and Teacher Education, a member of the Board of Scientific Discipline, University of Warsaw and a member of the University Board of the Pedagogical University in Cracow, Poland. She is a Honorary Professor at School of Education, Aarhus University. She is a member of editorial boards and a member of reviewers’ panels for such scientific journals as Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, European Journal of Teacher Education and South African Journal of Education. Her research work has focused on teacher education, educational leadership, teachers’ and school principals’ development, and research ethics. Now, she is involved in the ICET-MESHGuidlines research on Teacher Experience and Practices in the time of Covid-19 and in the ISSPP project on school leadership. She is involved with global, international, and national scientific organisations. She is a Vice-President of World Education Research Association (WERA), Chair of the Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Scientific Network, and President of the Polish Educational Research Association (PERA).
Jerzy Nikitorowicz is professor, head of the Department of Intercultural Education at the University of Bialystok, long-term dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and Rector of the University of Bialystok in 2005–2012, scientific secretary of KNP PAN, chairman of the Team for Culture Pedagogy and Intercultural Education of the Polish Academy of Sciences, chairman of the Association for Supporting Intercultural Education. Author of books and articles on regional, multicultural and intercultural education, organizer of conferences on intercultural education.
Jim McKinley is an associate professor of applied linguistics and TESOL at UCL Institute of Education, University of London. His research explores implications of globalisation for L2 writing, language education, and teaching in higher education, particularly concerning English medium instruction. His work appears in journals such as Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, Teaching in Higher Education, and Applied Linguistics. He has co-authored and co-edited several books on research methods in applied linguistics, including Data Collection Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (Bloomsbury, 2020) and The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (2020), and he currently serves as an editor-in-chief for the journal System.
Anna Odroważ-Coates is professor and the Chairholder at the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy, expert in social inclusion, social inequalities: ethnicity, gender and religion, human rights, and children’s rights issues in education. Member of the Executive Boards of RC25 ISA, International Janusz Korczak Association (IKA) and Polish Pedagogical Association. Recent book “Socio-Educational Factors and the Soft Power of Language: The Deluge of English in Poland and Portugal” (2019).
Barbara Pasamonik is professor of social sciences, graduate of cultural studies at the University of Wrocław and the School of Social Sciences at IFiS PAN in Warsaw. Currently he works as a cultural sociologist at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw. Her research interests include clashes of cultural values, intercultural dialogue, dilemmas of tolerance in multicultural societies and the gender perspective in migration research. She is the author of articles on the dilemmas of multiculturalism, paradoxes of tolerance and integration of European Muslims, published in in "The Social Studies", "Education", "Education and Dialogue", "The International Affairs Review" and in "Culture and Society".
Viviane Resende holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics. She is a professor at the University of Brasília, Brazil, where she is also Coordinator of the Language and Society Studies Center and the Critical Discourse Studies Laboratory.
Sławomir Ratajski is an artist, diplomat, professor, lecturer at Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts (ASP). Completed his studies at the Graphic Arts Department of Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts (ASP) under professors Halina Chrzostowska and Jerzy Tchórzewski. Taught at the ASP from 1987, initially ran a painting and drawing studio within the Graphic Arts Department. Presently head of the General Visual and Applied Arts Chair of the Media Art Department. On April 1st 2011 nominated professor of Fines Arts. Nominated Secretary of State at the Ministry of Culture and the Arts in Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek’s government. Responsible for international relations, among others organised Polish culture promotional events at the Frankfurt International Book Fair in 2000, as well as Expo 2000 in Hanover. Was also involved in creating the Juliusz Słowacki Museum in Krzemieniec. Co-author of “Polish Government Arts Policy 1999-2001”. Ambassador of the Polish Republic to Argentina and Paraguay during 2001-2005, and Cuba in absentia in 2006. During that time responsible for numerous initiatives throughout Latin America promoting Poland through its culture, including exhibitions, concerts, Chopin Festivals and the Gombrowicz Year Programme. On returning to Poland, Secretary General for the Polish National Commission for UNESCO from 2007.
Moshe Shner is a senior lecturer at Oranim Academic College of Education. Shner got his Ph.D. in Jewish philosophy from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in NYC, where he studied the impact of the Holocaust on Jewish identity. His academic teaching includes topics in Jewish philosophy, Jewish education, Holocaust Education, and the challenge of modern identities, interfaith dialogues, and multicultural education in a post-Holocaust world. A special place in his writings and teaching is dedicated to the legacy of the Polish-Jewish educators Janusz Korczak and Itzhak Katzenelson. Besides Judaic studies, he deals with cross cultural Global Education programs, online pedagogy and the challenge of the Internet World to traditional teaching-learning paradigms. Shner published In the Beginning there was the Holocaust: a Spiritual Journey into the Abysses of History. Jerusalem: Magness Press (2013), Born Virtual: Free Human Spirit in a Borderless World. Tel Aviv: Mofet Institute (2012), and Korczak and Katzenelson – two Educators in the Abysses of History. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University School of Education (2011). Shner is a board member of the Ghetto Fighters' House Holocaust Museum.
Darrick Smith is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of San Francisco and Co-Director of the School of Education’s new Transformative School Leadership (TSL) program. His research interests are culturally responsive discipline practices; critical pedagogy; transformative school leadership, and social justice schooling. Dr. Smith is the founder and former Director of the TryUMF (pronounced "triumph") program in Oakland, CA and formerly served as the Co-Director/Principal of the June Jordan School for Equity in San Francisco. He has served as a trainer and administrative coach in local school districts as well a Center Director under the Foundation for California Community Colleges- the system for which he still consults as a trainer for the statewide Professional Learning Network. Nationally, Dr. Smith also currently serves as a national consultant for the Now is the Time Technical Assistance (NITT-TA) Center funded through the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and was recently an advisor to The "Centre of Reflexive Education and Intrapersonal Development" project in Warsaw, Poland. Dr. Smith’s pathway has led him to speak at a number of national and statewide conferences on issues of educational reform as well as work in California’s correctional facilities while maintain his lifelong dedication to resistance efforts in the Greater Bay Area of Northern California. Such experience has shaped both his research agenda and his pedagogy for the last 20 years.
Bogusław Śliwerski is educator, full professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Łódź and the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw; honorary doctor of UMCS in Lublin (2014), UKW in Bydgoszcz (2016), KUL in Lublin (2017), UKSW in Warsaw (2020), National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences in Ukraine (2019); Honorary Professor of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the University of Silesia; b. chairman of the Pedagogical Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2011-2019), member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Section of the Central Commission for Degrees and Titles (former chairman 2013-2016) and member of the Scientific Improvement Council (from 2019). Recently, he published, among others: Habilitation tourism of Poles to Slovakia in 2008-2016. Critical Study (Łódź 2018); Pedagogy of scout education (Krakow 2018); Books (not) worth reading? (Krakow 2017), Furniture for school democracy (Warsaw 2017), Habilitation. Diagnosis. Ethics Procedures. Postulates (Krakow 2017), Scouting as a source of pedagogical passion (Krakow 2016); Education (in) politics - politics of (in) education. Inspirations for research on educational policy (Krakow 2015); Diagnosis of the socialization of the public education of the Third Republic of Poland in the corset of centralism (Krakow 2013); General pedagogy. Basic regularities (Krakow 2012). Editor-in-chief of the quarterly "Studia z Teorii Wychowania". Research interests: general pedagogy, philosophical and theoretical foundations of education, comparative pedagogy, andragogy and (early) school pedagogy.
Lise Widding Isaksen is a professor at the Department of Sociology at the University of Bergen, Norway. Her research interests are gender, social stratification, international migration, and welfare/social politics. She has written extensively on gender, power, and the welfare state, with special emphasis on the social and political organization of public and private care work. She is a member of the European Sociological Association and Nordic Migration Network. She is coordinator for Research Network 33 ‘Women’s and Gender Studies’ in European Sociological Association (2017-2021). Selected recent publications: 'Egalitarian Ideologies on the Move: Changing Care Practices and Gender Norms in Norway.' (with Mariya Bikova) Journal of European Social Policy, 2019, 'Local loops and micro-mobilities of care. Rethinking care in egalitarian contexts' (with Lena Näre) Journal of European Social Policy, 2019, 'Migration, Gender dynamics and Social Reproduction: Polish and Italian Mothers in Norway' (with Ela Czapka) in Haukanes and Pine (2020) Intimacy and mobility in the era of hardening borders: Gender. reproduction, regulation.' Manchester University Press (forthcoming).
Activities 2020
Conference in Nigeria
Activities 2019
International Conference organized by: RC25 « Language and Society » of the International Sociological Association & by the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at Maria Grzegorzewska University
International Conference RC 25 ISA 2019 - Language and Society - the task financed under the agreement No. 762/P-DUN/2019 from the funds of the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education designated for dissemination of science.
Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciences, 26-27.09.2019
Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw, Poland
Conference programme
The conference aims to foster discussion among sociologists, sociolinguists, and other social scientists about the relations between language and society. This edition of the Language and Society. Research Advances in Social Sciencesinternational conference covers two main scopes.
The first scope is related to gender and children equality in liberal and conservative discourses. The purpose is to shed light on how these discourses inform about the preferences, the behaviors, and the representations toward: gender positions and what is expected or not of these positions; children/parental positions; gendered children. This scope includes both the support and the resistance towards children’s expected positions interlinked to their gender.
The second scope is based on RC25 core approach: looking at language rather than solely through language. All communications which look at language in this sense are welcome, as all theoretical and methodological frameworks that can be used to create sociological analyses of language. For instance, a non-exhaustive list of potential topics for this second scope is:
- Language and power
- Language in public and private spheres
- Multilingualism and plurilingualism
- Language and transnationalism
- Language and migration
- Language and global network
- Language and identity
- Language and intersectional positioning in public and private sphere
- Language policies
Interdisciplinary and Intersectional Challenges in Childhood and Children's Rights Studies
Dates: 26.-27. March 2020.
Venue: University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam (Germany).
Call for presentations for UNESCO Janusz Korczak's Chair Session:
"Reflexive Parenthood. Reflexions on Nature and Culture
Early childhood is of paramount importance for a child's development and later success in life, yet parents often do not have the knowledge and support to be the best parents for their children at this critical stage. Tired, exhausted and confused, anxious about their changing roles and changing obligations, parents may miss out on the positive aspects of parenthood and at the same time unknowingly affect their children in a negative way. Every developmental stage brings new challenges and questions for parents that often remain unanswered or inadequately addressed by pseudo-experts and heresy. This is an area for social pedagogues, social workers,
psychologists, medical professionals and social politicians to explore and clarify. It is still a highly unexplored area of social sciences in Poland, more associated with medicine and nursing. The effects of natural and cultural pressures gives us an interesting opportunity to reflect on the roots of traditions and praxis of childcare and parental practices observed in different cultures, in different parts of the world and in different epochs.
The theme
The session theme will focus on children's rights to use CR pedagogical lenses in order explore how nature and culture affect our ideals of childcare, children's wellbeing and children's upbringing. The proposed theme for team work oriented towards reflexive parenthood would bring children's rights and human rights to the front of the discussion, promote wellbeing through awareness and advocate further research in this area.
We hope for contributions from across social sciences and humanities, based on empirical explorations and theoretical conceptualizations connecting parental roles, parental styles, positioning in the family and children's rights. These may include (depending on participants' choices): early childhood communication, diverse practices in sharing parental responsibilities, different approaches to children's agency and freedom of choice, family as a negotiated space mediated by culture, children's position in family and society, life chances and wellbeing, critical approaches to children's rights perspectives, early intervention, anti-vaccination movements, Korczak's pedagogy and beyond, alternatives to schooling, alternative nurseries and kindergartens (Froebel, Montessori etc.), matters related to age and maturity (i.e. penal systems, marital age, obligatory schooling), topics may include the paradoxes of faith, FGM, blood transfusions, circumcision, issues related to third gender and intersex children….
If you are interested to join this session please contact the session organizer: Prof. Anna Odrowaz-Coates,
Bernheim, M. (1989). Father of the Orphans: The Story of Janusz Korczak. New York: Lodestar Books.
Buber, M. (1984). I and Thou. New York: Scribner.
Freeman, M. (1992). The Ideologies of Children's Rights. Dordrecht (NL): Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Gest, S.D., Mahoney, J.L. & Cairns, R.B. (1999). A Developmental Approach to Prevention Research: Configural Antecedents of Early Parenthood, American Journal of Community Psychology 27, doi:10.1023/A:1022185312277
Höfner, C., Schadler C., Richter, R. (2011). When Men Become Fathers: Men's Identity at the Transition to Parenthood, Journal of Comparative Family Studies 42 (5) Family Diversity and Gender (September-October): 669-686.
Korczak, J. (1914). Bobo, Warsaw: G. Centenerszwer i S-ka.
Odrowaz-Coates, A. (2015). "Is gender neutrality a post-human phenomenon? The concept of 'gender neutral' in Swedish education", Journal of Gender and Power 3 (1), pp. 113-133.
Odrowaz-Coates, A., Vucic, B. (2017). The Infant, Early Childhood Development and Child Rights: Re-awakening Opportunities for Social Pedagogy, Pedagogika Społeczna 2 (64), pp. 35-58.
Odrowaz-Coates, A. (2018). Migrant children - 'added value' in globalized societies and advanced economies of the 21st century: A social justice manifesto for UNESCO Summer School 2017. In: U. Markowska-Manista (ed.) Refugee and migrant children's adaptation - theory, research, praxis, Warsaw.
Scaramella, L.V. & Leve L.D. (2004). Clarifying parent-child reciprocities during early childhood: the early childhood coercion model, Clin Child Fam Psychol Review 7(2).
Activities 2018
Calendar and Events
UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and Well-being would like to inform:
We are pleased to inform you that book: U. Markowska-Manista (ed.), Children and Youth in Varied Socio-Cultural Contexts - theory, research, praxis, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw, 2018, ISBN 978-83-66010-09-3 has been published.
It's the third publication in series: Development and social adaptation of children and youth, English.
We are pleased to inform you that book: U. Markowska-Manista (ed.), The contemporary problems of children and youth in multicultural societies - theory, research, praxis, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw, 2018, ISBN 978-83-64953-94-1 has been published.
It's the second publication in series: Development and social adaptation of children and youth, English.
Full text of this book is available here.
Konopka, K, Zajenkowska, A., Dominiak-Kochanek, M. (2018). Mediating effect of beliefs about aggression between sensitivity to provocation or frustration and physical and verbal aggression. Revista de Psicologia Social, 33, 81-110.
Gosk, U., Dominiak-Kochanek, M. (2018). Perceived social support and school achievements of students with developmental dyslexia. INTED2018 Proceedings.
Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair will take part in training entitled: "Direct to internationalization". It will be the second event in the series under this title, June 29, 2018.
Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair took part in international training entitled: " Level up! Training Course on Transnational Youth Initiatives".It was organised in the frame of ERASMUS+ Program, June 11-15, 2018. More information
Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka, PhD Student, will be participated in leading study session "Attitudes towards minorities within Polish society - historical, psychological and pedagogical background" for Erasmus+ students with invited guests from Iowa Northwestern College, USA, 28-30 May 2018.
UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair will host the Georgian delegation (mainly representatives of Georgian's universities).
The study visit entitled: "Preschool and early education in Poland. Theory and praxis", took a place at the Maria Grzegorzewska University campus on May 16th 2018, is a part of "Development Cooperation Programme - Technical Assistance to Supporting Competent Systems for Professionalizing Early and Preschool Education and Workforce in Georgia" organized by EDUCATOR Association (Poland) in cooperation with UNICEF Georgia.
Information about the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair
- Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka, PhD Student, has participated in leading study session "Diversity in Education- the situation of minorities in the Polish educational system" for Erasmus+ students with invited guests from David Yellin College of Education in Jerusalem, Israel in Białystok, 12-13 May 2018.
- Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair took part in training entitled: "Regional Initiative of Excellence (...)" that was organised by IDEA Education Center. This training was dedicated to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education's new funding programme. April 13, 2018.
- Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka, PhD Student, has participated in study visit at the University of Potsdam (Germany) within Erasmus+ Program, 11-15 April 2018.
Subjects of educational activities conducted:
1. Young people out of place- family narrative and personal experience as a reinforcement or an obstacle in the Polish-Israeli dialogue.
2. Life satisfaction and mutual stereotypes among Polish and Israeli students of education- praxis of planning and carrying out scientific research and educational projects in the multicultural environment
3. Life satisfaction and mutual stereotypes among Polish and Israeli students. Pedagogical implications- research tools, findings, and analysis.
4. Type, time and frequency of contact as a predictor of mutual prejudice between Polish and Israeli students and youth- international comparative study.
- Monika Dominiak - Kochanek PhD took part in training about research project preparation, organized by National Science Centre, March 2018.
Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair took part in training entitled: "Direct to internationalization". It was the first event in the series under this title, February 16, 2018.
- Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair took part in debate entitled: "What are the economic costs and benefits of migration?" (debate in "Questions for Europe" series), organized by the Institute of Public Affairs and the Friedrich Ebert Fundation, February 14, 2018.
- Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair took part in information meeting and workshops entitled: "Strategic partnerships in the field of higher education", organized by Foundation for the Development of the Education System, National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program, February 6-7, 2018.
We are pleased to inform you that two scientific publications reviewed by prof. Jerzy Nikitorowicz has been published:
- Pasamonik, U. Markowska-Manista, Kryzys migracyjny. Perspektywa pedagogiczno-psychologiczna, vol. 2 (Migration crisis. Pedagogical and psychological perspective vol. 2), Warsaw, Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej 2017, ISBN: 978-83-64953-83-5, (monograph), Polish.
- B. Pasamonik, U. Markowska-Manista, Kryzys migracyjny. Perspektywa społeczno-kulturowa, vol. 1 (Migration crisis. Socio-cultural perspective vol. 1), Warsaw, Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej 2017, ISBN: 978-83-64953-82-8, (monograph), Polish.
The book presentation took place at Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University on 24th January 2018. The meeting was conducted by Marta Cobel-Tokarska PhD.
In discussion about both publications took a part: authors, Professor Jerzy Nikitorowicz (scientific reviewer of the books) from University of Bialystok and Professor Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska form SGH: Warsaw School of Economics.
- Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair took part in training entitled: "Recent changes in the rules of taking up and pursuing higher education by foreigners". January 19, 2018.
We invite you for a lecture “The Meaning of Deening - negotiating identity through Hip Hop by Muslim children and youth in Europe" by Dr Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska, associate professor at the Warsaw School of Economics.
The lecture will take place on 13th January at 15:45 in room 3232. The lecture is held as a part of the project ref: EU | Muslim minorities and the refugee crisis in Europe co-funded by the Eramsus+ Programme of the European Union.
Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska – Associated professor in the Department of Political Studies at the Warsaw School of Economics. She earned her habilitation (post-PhD) in the study of religion (Jagiellonian University) and PhD in economics (Warsaw School of Economics). Her research interests include Islam and Muslims in Poland and wider Europe. She published 4 books including: Deconstructing Islamophobia in Poland (2014) and Muzułmańska kultura konsumpcyjna [Muslim consumer culture] (2011). Currently she is coordinating two projects: an educational one – ref:EU | Muslim minorities and the refugee crisis in Europe (co-funded within the Erasmus+ programme) and a scientific one: Managing spoiled identity – the case of Polish female converts to Islam (funded by NCN).
More at:
More about the project:
Activities 2017
Study visit entitled: “Contemporary multicultural world as a reality of children and youth life”, December 12-13, 2017.
Students from Open University and Peres Academic Centre - 38 persons (Israel); Polish students (12.12: 42 persons - 12 study visit at primary school; 30 multicultural workshop; 13.12: 34 persons); Erasmus+ students: 4 persons; Prof. Kamil I. Nasibullov
12. 12.2017
- Multicultural workshops conducted by students for Primary School no 23 pupils (Israeli and Erasmus Students, MGPU students).
- Introduction to the scientific work at the Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University. Research meeting with dr Urszula Markowska-Manista.
- Guided tour in The Maria Grzegorzewska Museum - Przemko Radwański M.A.
- Multicultural meeting: presentation about the UNESCO Chair, Israeli students’ presentation (voluntary work and the system of education in Israel) with time dedicated to asking questions; Polish students’ presentation (volunteering in Poland); group working in mixed teams (posters: "Our way to better future through /volunteering/education/public diplomacy/politics/charity/”).
- Intercultural city game with study visit at The Warsaw Multicultural Center.
- Discussion panel and workshop in Center for Education Development.
- The UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair hosted, within the Polish Commission for UNESCO Scholarship Program, Prof. Kamil Ickhakovich Nasibullov, from Kazan Federal University, Russia Federation.
Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak, MA, organizational secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair took part in STAFF MOBILITY FOR TRAINING (Erasmus+ Program) at University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany, November 27 - December 1, 2017.
The study visit has two main objectives:
Overview of good practices in the field of administrative support of scientific and didactic academic staff’s potential (in the internationalization process context).
Developing closer relationship between the UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair staff and the M.A. Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights staff to build a platform for bilateral (or more) scientific and educational cooperation.
Dr Urszula Markowska-Manista actively participated in conference entitled "Partizipation in der Bildungsforschung" and will also conduct scientific panel: "Partizipation im Kontext Schule aus der Perspektive verschiedener Akteureinnen". University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany, November 27 - 28, 2017.
Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka, PhD Student, conducted lecture "Initiatives of the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Diversity" in the frame of "The intercultural teachers' competences in multicultural cities WARSAW-BERLIN 2017", October 19, 2017.
UNESCO Chair hosted the following guests within Erasmus+ Program:
(1) Prof. Nektarios Stellakis, University of Patras, Greece, September 2017,
(2) Prof. Claudia Maier-Hoffer Evangelische Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany,
(3) Rebecca Budde PhD Candidate University of Applied Sciences Potsdam/ Fachhochschule Potsdam, Germany. Potsdam, Germany.
Dr Urszula Markowska-Manista on behalf of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair actively participated in International Janusz Korczak Association General Council Meeting, that took a place in Warsaw. September 16, 2017. More information.
- The 3rd International Congress of Children's Rights, the 8th International Korczak Conference to celebrate the activities for children and the 75th anniversary of the death of Janusz Korczak, Stefa Wilczyńska and the children from the orphanage.
The theme of the conference: The Child; The Subject; The Citizen; The Person
The 4 Pillars of the Conference:
Day 1: The Rights of the Child
Day 2: Philosophy, Pedagogy and Practice
Day 3: History and Remembrance
Day 4: Children's Rights - Uncovering the Future
Detailed Program: link
Organizers: Ombudsman for Children and the International Janusz Korczak Association
Partners: UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at the Maria Grzegorzewska University and POLIN Museum of Jewish History.
Duration: September 13-15 2017.
- Workshop: “Rights of children 'out of place'”, September 14, 2017.
Conductors: Urszula Markowska-Manista PhD, Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka PhD Student. Event within the 3rd International Congress on Children's Rights - the 8. International Korczak Conference entitled: „The Open Window – A sense of freedom”.
The event was co-organized by: the Ombudsman for Children of the Republic of Poland and the International Janusz Korczak Association (IKA). Among the partners are: The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University, UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair MGPU and the POLIN - Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Warsaw, Poland. 13 – 15 September 2017.
Photo exhibition entitled: THE KIDS OF EAST TIMOR ON THE ROAD FOR A BETTER FUTURE Experience from the field work in East Timor 2017, author: Slavena Ilieva. Opening: September 13, 2017.
- Dr Urszula Markowska-Manista actively participated in working group meeting at the Faculty of Education/ the University of Warsaw. September 12-13, 2017.
The meeting was one of the activities undertaken by the Faculty of Education/ the University of Warsaw in cooperation with UNHCR Poland and was aimed at establishing The Migration and Refugeeness Council of Higher Education Experts.
Council's main goals:
(1) improveing the teaching quality at the higher education level on topics related to migration and refugeeness issue (inter alia by undertaking research cooperation on the migration issue from a pedagogical perspective),
(2) incorporation of intercultural competences to pedagogical studies core curriculum and also implementation of issues related to intercultural competences, knowledge and skills related to migration to missions of universities in Poland (respecting the higher education institutions autonomy). -
Study visit at the Institute of Artistic Education, September 12, 2017.
Study visit organized for UNESCO Summer School participants, who had reported such a need. Visit conducted by Przemko Radwański M.A.; supported by Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka PhD Student.
Between 7 - 16 September 2017 the UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw (Poland) hold the 11th International Summer School entitled: "International experiences in the area of refugee and migrant children's adaptation - theory, research, praxis".
- Intercultural workshops for Summer School 2017 Volunteers (for students and PhD Candidates): September 5th 2017, 10.00-15.00 (Chancellor's room). Program
The workshop corresponds to the field of intercultural psychology. The study of literature in the area of intercultural psychology will be accompanied by case studies and practical activities oriented on the broadening of communicative and sociocultural competences. Mechanisms associated with breaking down intercultural communication problems will be discussed regarding to cultures of low and high context and strategies for dealing with cultural shock, errors and contrasts in functioning in culturally diverse environments. Each part of the workshop will be opened with a short lecture after which a practical part and a discussion based on literature and visual materials are planned. The practical workshop part will be dedicated to the training of competence and intercultural communication.
The main goal of this workshop is to prepare volunteers to effectively face up problems and challenges connected with intercultural and international character of the UNESCO Summer School.
Project: "School volunteering work as a space of activity for the local environment and shaping students’ civic attitudes” in the multicultural context
November 2016 - June 2017.
The UNESCO Janusza Korczak Chair at the Maria Grzegorzewska University assumed the honorary patronage of and provided content-related and organisational support to the project realized in Edward Szymański Primary School No.23 in Warsaw.
This was a part of "Active Schools in the Community" project, which aims to promote the idea and development of institutions animating the development of partnerships between schools and the local community, activating citizens and pursuing the concept of lifelong learning.
Elements of the project:
- Study visits in School No.23 in Warsaw (December 7 and 9, 2016): getting familiar with basic informations about school, “Active Schools in the Community" project and it’s implementation’s ways at this school, creating "Card of Dreams"* - Christmasts cards - by children supported by student volunteers (polish students from MGPU).
Thanks to the professional care of pedagogues and volunteers, the children created hundreds of cards that was sent to different institutions and places in Poland: childrens’ oncological hospital wards, hospices for eldery people, Warsaw Insurgents and residents of houses adjoining the school.
- Reading multicultural fairy tales ( in the national languages of students and translation into Polish) with brief approximation of the most important vocabulary ( in the national languages of students and in English) associated with chosen fairy tale conducted by Erasums+ students – (Classes 1-3),
- Multicultural Volunteering – classes conducted in English by Erasums+ students – (Classes 4-6),
- “Building the school’s volunteers team” - workshop conducted by polish students from MGPU.
* Cards of Dreams is an action addressed to children hospitalized in polish hospitals. Its initiators were students of the Warsaw Medical University, working on the IFMA-Poland project "Two Heads is Not One" in 2015. The project, on the one hand, aims to add strength and hope to children (and not just to them), who in everyday life may feel lack of it, and on the other hand it has the task of shaping social attitudes of SP No. 23 pupils SP No. 23.
- Dr Urszula Markowska-Manista actively participated in networking meeting at the Faculty of Education/ the University of Warsaw. May 26, 2017. The main goal of this event was an initiation of cooperation in the area of future pedagogues education (migration issues).
Study visit for lecturers and students from Oranim Academic College (Israel), May 9, 2017.
Organizational and translation support - Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka PhD Student. Organization: The Maria Grzegorzewska Pedagogical University in cooperation with Oranim Academic College and The Taube Center for the Renewal of Jewish Life in Poland.
Wrocław UNESCO 2016 World Book Capital
You can read and write – and it seems so obvious to you. Did you know that there are countries where these skills are a luxury? Only the chosen ones can afford it. Guinea is one of such countries. Even though education in itself is free, the locals often cannot afford to buy books and school materials, or to commute to school. Faced with a choice between food and school, the first one will be chosen by the majority.
The citizens of Guinea speak a dozen or so indigenous languages. Children learn the official language of Guinea (French) only at school. However, poverty prevents some of them from ever attending school. As they do not speak French and cannot write or read – they are condemned to be completely cast out of the social life and to have no chance to develop normally.
Wrocław will transfer the title of the UNESCO 2016 World Book Capital to Conakry, the capital city of Guinea, on 23 April 2017. ‘Children from Guinea will also receive 100 000 primers to learn reading and writing,’ promises Rafał Dutkiewicz, the Mayor of Wrocław. This operation will be co-financed by UNESCO and the Wrocław municipality. The primers will be published in French, which is the official language of Guinea. This African country has one of the highest illiteracy rates in the world. The citizens of Guinea speak a dozen or so indigenous languages, and the children learn French, the official language, only at school. Recently, Guinea faced an Ebola epidemic. The UNESCO World Book Capital for Conakry is to drawn the world’s attention to the problem of illiteracy in Africa and to lift the “curse of Ebola” from Guinea, in a symbolic way. This was emphasized by Irina Bokova, UNESCO’s Secretary General.
We want to donate primers
The books will be printed in Africa. ‘We are talking to a local publisher. The primers are consistent with the curriculum in use in Guinea, they are certified by the Guinea’s Ministry of Primary Education,’ says Karolina Bieniek, Art Transparent Foundation. ‘We want to offer systemic help and to donate books for first graders directly to schools. In Conakry itself, more than 70 thousand children begin their education in first grade every year. The books will be in use for five years, which means 500 thousand children. The handbooks for children will be accompanied by a thousand teacher’s books. All books will be delivered to schools in autumn, when the school year begins.
‘The primer will be supplemented by several Polish poems translated into French,’ says Irek Grin, curator of European Capital of Culture responsible for literature. ‘The poems will be both classic poems and modern poems. We would like them to be not only beautiful in literary terms, but also interesting to children in Africa.’
Colletion of books in French
Also, a collection of books in French is being launched. The books will be donated to the newly built National Library in Conakry. The library was built on the occasion of the Conakry taking over its term as the World Book Capital. Wrocław, as the current UNESCO World Book Capital, invited member cities of the coalition of Cities of the European Capitals of Culture 2016, residents of partner cities – the French Lille and the Belgian Mons. Wrocław also asked the academic pastoral centre to forward the request to the students in Paris to donate books for Conakry. The residents of Wrocław can also join in.
On the day the term of Wrocław as the UNESCO World Book Capital ends (22 April), the residents of Guinea, like the residents of several dozen other cities in the world, will sing the World Book Anthem, that is a song, whose lyrics are the poem by Tadeusz Różewicz entitled “Włosek poety/Poet’s Hair”. The music was composed by Jan Kanty Pawlusiewicz.
During the transfer ceremony, where Wrocław will cede the UNESCO World Book Capital title to the Guinean city of Conakry, the Mayor of Wrocław will deliver a draft copy of the primer and a trophy sculpture – the symbol of World Capitals created by Hedva Ser – to the President of Guinea and the Mayor of Conakry.
text sent by dr Karolina Bieniek
Fundacja Sztuki Współczesnej ART TRANSPARENT //
Contemporary Art Foundation ART TRANSPARENT
ul. Ofiar Oświęcimskich 1/2, 50-069 Wrocław, Poland
Study visit: Children and childhood in multicultural global and local perspective, March 9, 2017.
(Erasmus+ students, preschools’ teachers and children 3 and 6 years old, UNESCO Janusz Korczak’s staff and volunteer).
Study visit in Preschool No.100 in Warsaw:
- Getting familiar with basic informations about the preschool,
- Workshops entitled: “Multicultural childrens’ games” for 6 years old children conducted by Erasmus + students,
- Observation of 3-year-old children’s activities,
- Selected games for 3-year-old children conducted by Erasmus + students,
- Discussion and visit’s evaluations with preschool’s and UNESCO Janusz Korczak’s staff.
Book: B. Pasamonik, U. Markowska-Manista, Kryzys migracyjny. Perspektywa pedagogiczno-psychologiczna, vol. 2 (Migration crisis. Pedagogical and psychological perspective vol. 2), Warsaw, Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej 2017, ISBN: 978-83-64953-83-5, (monograph), Polish.
Book: B. Pasamonik, U. Markowska-Manista, Kryzys migracyjny. Perspektywa społeczno-kulturowa, vol. 1 (Migration crisis. Socio-cultural perspective vol. 1), Warsaw, Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej 2017, ISBN: 978-83-64953-82-8, (monograph), Polish.
Book: M. Liebel, U. Markowska-Manista, Prawa dziecka w kontekście międzykulturowości. Janusz Korczak na nowo odczytywany (Children’s rights in the context of multiculturalism. Janusz Korczak revisited), Warsaw, Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej 2017, (monograph), Polish, ISBN 9788364953682, pp. 242
U. Markowska-Manista, M. Liebel, Mit Hoffnung der Verzweiflung und Hilflosigkeit widerstehen. Nachdenken über Janusz Korczak, in: Resilienz aus der Sicht der betroffenen Subjekte: Die autobiographische Perspektive, Zander M., Göppel R. (Eds.), Juventa-Verlag 2017, German, ISBN 978-3-7799-3462-2, pp. 83-109
Book: E. Januszewska, U. Markowska-Manista, Dziecko "inne" kulturowo w Polsce. Z badań nad edukacją szkolną (A culturally different child in Poland. From research on school education), Warsaw, Wyd. Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej 2017, (monograph), Polish, ISBN 978-83-64953-56-9
Book: U. Markowska-Manista, J Pilarska, (eds.), An Introspective Approach to Women's Intercultural Fieldwork, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw, 2017, ISBN 978-83-64953-59-0. English
Book: U. Markowska-Manista (ed.), Refugee and migrant children’s adaptation – theory, research, praxis. (in preparation).
Third publication in series: Development and social Adaptation of children and youth, English
More informations ...Book: U. Markowska-Manistaed (ed.), The contemporary problems of children and youth in multicultural societies - theory, research, praxis, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw, 2018, ISBN 978-83-64953-94-1
Second publication in series: Development and social adaptation of children and youth, English
Full text
Book: U. Markowska-Manistaed (ed.), The Interdisciplinary Contexts of Reintegration and Readaptation in the Era of Migration - an Intercultural Perspective, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej, Warsaw, 2016, ISBN 978-83-64953-45-3.
First publication in series: Development and social adaptation of children and youth, English
Introduction to the series:
Children’s and adolescents’ development and social adaptation to the conditions of the transforming world are the primary focus of researchers and academics participating in International Summer Schools which have been held by the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw since 2006.
By launching a series of academic books we wish to create a space for an interdisciplinary, research and theoretical-practical dialogue addressing issues which are important in the contemporary world. The present series "Development and Social Adaptation of Children and Youth" is a collection of interdisciplinary academic publications. They are intended to present the latest research, theories and praxis revolving around the issues connected with development and the problems of social adaptation of children and youth functioning in various cultural contexts, with a particular focus on migrants and refugees.
The interconnection of academically diverse approaches in the issues addressed and their problematization as well as outlining their practical implications aim towards opening new areas of research explorations to the readers and providing them with new knowledge. They are also intended to serve as an inspiration to improve praxis.
Part I Reintegration and Readaptation - Current Problems and Challenges
Preface (7-8)
Introduction (9-16)
Chapter 1 Smaranda Cioban • Refugee Crisis – Between EU Identity and Eurocentrism(19-51)
Chapter 2 Beatrice Signorini • Reintegration as a Problem of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in European and Italian Legislation (52-84)
Chapter 3 Barbara Weigl • Self-Image and the Image of the World in the Eyes of Young Roma in Poland (85-109)
Chapter 4 Oana Rognean, Oana Ghimbulut • Exploring Resilience in Children from Families of Low Socioeconomic Status (110-125)
Chapter 5 Dominika Zakrzewska-Olędzka • Challenges in the Reintegration and Readaptation of Ethiopian Immigrants’ Children in Israeli Society (126-145)
Part II Reintegration and Readaptation - Practical Issues and Challenges
Chapter 6 Ksenija Romstein • Early Education Agendas and Practice in the Upbringing of Young Children in Post-Conflict Regions in Eastern Croatia (149-164)
Chapter 7 Urszula Markowska-Manista, Edyta Januszewska • Children and Youth with Multicultural Backgrounds in the Polish System of Education (165-187)
Chapter 8 Rahaela Varga • Communicating Beyond Words: Active Listening as a Key to Readaptation and Reintegration of Refugee Children (188-203)
Chapter 9 Vesnica Mlinarević, Maja Brust Nemet • The Hidden Curriculum in the Function of Promoting Equal Educational Opportunities for the Roma (204-228)
Chapter 10 Ovcharenko Olha, Gorobets Tetiana • Psychological Peculiarities of Internally Displaced Students’ Readaptation to Study in Higher Educational Establishments in Ukraine
- In January 2016 The UNESCO / Janusz Korczak Chair curator - prof. Adam Frączek and Dean of the Faculty of Education at J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia - signed a cooperation agreement.
- Urszula Markowska-Manista (PhD) delivered a lecture for students of the Faculty of Education
in Osijek at J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek (Croatia) on the subject: Children’s rights wordwide (11th January 2016)
Photo: Ms Ksenja Romstein (PhD)
- The UNESCO Chair co-organizes a national scientifice conference "Refugees and migrants in Poland - socio-cultural, pedagogical and ethical challenges", 17 March 2016, Warsaw
The Conference is held under the auspices of the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights, the Polish Ombudsman for Children, the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the Polish Janusz Korczak Association.
Application form
Photo gallery - On 16 March 2016, on behalf of the UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair, dr Urszula Markowska-Manista participated in a preparatory meeting of the Polish-Israeli part of International Korczak Association Board (IKA), chaired by the chairperson Batia Gilad.
The meeting was devoted to the activities of IKA in the nearest two years with particular focus on the preparation of an international conference. The international conference will be organized in POLIN Museum in Warsaw in September 2017.
International seminar:
International aspects of Janusz Korczak Pedagogy
Międzynarodowe aspekty współczesnej pedagogiki korczakowskiej
organised by UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair of Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and Wellbeing
in cooperation with Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Germany, Sparkpro Organization, Israel, Living Bridge Organiation
on 17-18 May 2016
Coordinating team:
prof. dr hab. Adam Frączek, dr Urszula Markowska-Manista
mgr Dominika Zakrzewska, mgr Aleksandra Niedźwiedzka-Wardak
International Conference of Special Education titled PERSON
Interdisciplinary Contexts Of Early Intervention
And Early Support Of a Child's Development
21-23 September 2016, WARSAW, POLAND
The Institute of Special Education the Maria Grzegorzewska University, Warsaw
Scientific partner:
UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and Well-being
Activities 2015
Calendar and Events
- We started preparing for the 9th International Summer School "Readaptation and reintegration as problems of refugee children" (14.09 - 24.09.2015)
More than 50 million people in the world are refugees. A vast percentage of them are children- the witnesses, victims and perpetrators of violence in contemporary conflicts and wars, who function in literature as „invisible children” or „children without a place”.
The previous century and the beginning of the present decade provided us with a number of stories about the life of children – witnesses, victims and perpetrators in conflicts around the world. For this reason the efforts undertaken for the social integration of this generation should include a psychological and educational support aimed at the development and social integration of the child. Art. 39 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child indicates that "State Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of: any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ; or armed conflicts. Such recovery and reintegration shall take place in an environment which fosters the health, self-respect and dignity of the child.
Children and youth- refugees who managed to survive a conflict, war in the country of origin, are becoming the present and future generation of the European Union and the neighbouring states. In the difficult process of social reintegration of children- witnesses, victims and perpetrators, one which requires time and involvement of a number of actors, it is necessary to focus on rebuilding the children's self-esteem, identity, security, bonds as well as on preventing the long-lasting, negative psychological consequences.
Children have always been exposed to entanglement in the armed conflicts of the adult world. During the following summer school we will refer to three dimensions of the situation of children deprived of childhood: entangled in the roles of victims, witnesses and perpetrators in long-term (la longue durée) conflicts and wars, namely:
– the situation
– a psychological and social diagnosis of problems
– practices supporting the work of institutions and non-governmental organisations as well as the conditions enabling the children's return to the environments in which they were raisedRepresentations of the fate of children belonging to the categories indicated above are present in an international and intercultural, public and academic discourse. However, what is lacking is a critical consideration of the practices of psychological support for children in their resocialisation and readaptation. The portrayal of children's experiences which emerges from the accounts of refugee children (the Crimea, Syria, Egypt, Libia, Central African Republic, Chechnya, Palestine), present in parents' narrations, academic publications, journalistic writing and court case files, is extremely dark, violent and often difficult to accept.
The 9th International Summer School is targeted at young researchers in the fields of psychology, education, sociology and interdisciplinary studies from Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraina. All participants should speak English.
Information for participants
Participant data
Programme - draft
- Within the framework of cooperation with the Danish Institute for Study Abroad, the UNESCO Chair hosted a group of students.
The meeting was devoted to the situation of the Roma minority in Poland and the issues of the education of children of Roma origin. A lecture on the subject gave Małgorzata Różycka , Ph.D., representative of the Ministry of the Interior, Department for Roma Minority. March, 5th, 2015

- The UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair's chairholder, prof. Adam Frączek and the Chair's scientific secretary, dr. Urszula Markowska-Manista took an active part in a National Scientific Conference "The validity of Janusz Korczak and Stefania Wilczyńska's pedagogy", presenting a paper: The universality and validity of Korczak's pedagogical ideas in the activities of UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies in Child Development and Well-being.The aim of the conference, whose participants were thoreticians and practicians of care and education, was an analysis of Janusz Korczak and Stefania Wilczyńska's pedagogy and drawing attention to its validity.
- The 9th International Summer School: “Readaptation and reintegration as problems of refugee children”.
On September 30th the UNESCO/Janusz Korczak Chair at the Academy of Special Education hosted a study visit – students from Danish Institute for study Abroad. The study visit was conducted by Magdalena Rowicka, PhD, an assistant professor at the Institute of Applied Social Psychology who gave a lecture on ‘Risk behaviours among immigrants, refugees and socially excluded - a lesson learnt from behavioural addictions. Observations, Comments and Discussion’. During the lecture the participants discussed the nature and prevalence of risk behaviours, including gambling, among refugees and migrants, examples of protective and risk factors, as well as, prevention strategies and techniques to be applied. Finally, the participant developed draft action plans of re-adaptation process employing the knowledge of psychological and psychosocial factors underlying behavioural choices.
On 12 October 2015 a group of young educators - university graduates from Israel arrived at a study visit at the Academy of Special Education.
The guests visited the Maria Grzegorzewska Museum and met prof. Adam Frączek and dr. Urszula Markowska-Manista. The discussion and presentation were devoted to the UNESCO J. Korczak Chair as well as questions concerning educational policy for national and ethnic minorities and foreigners in Poland.
The visit took place within the Project "Leadership Program- seminars for Israeli educators in Poland" realized by the Living Bridge Foundation and Sparkpro Organization from Israel, thanks to a grant from the Chancellery of The Prime Minister. The aim of the project is to enable a meeting between young educators, leaders and persons engaged in work for local communities from Poland and Israel. During their one week visit the Israelis expand their knowledge about contemporary Poland, contemporary Polish- Israeli history and Polish- Israeli relations, taking part in numerous meetings, study visits, workshops and visiting the monuments of Polish and Jewish culture.
The UNESCO Chair's Chairholder, prof. Adam Frączek, took part in a General Report-Election Meeting of the Polish Janusz Korczak Association Delegates.
A General Report-Election Meeting of the Polish Janusz Korczak Association Delegates took place at the Youth Cultural Centre in Lazienkowska St. in Warsaw on 17 October 2015.
- Dr Urszula Markowska-Manista delivered a presentation: “The rights of children ‘out of place’ - praxis and international policy for the protection of children’s rights” in Georgia during the International Conference "Politics around Caucasus" prepared by the Institute for Georgia's neighbourhood Studies IGNS on Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University November 13-14, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2015
General Assembly of International Januszk Korczak Association in Munich, Germany, November 21, 2015
During the annual IKA meeting on 21 November 2015 the UNESCO Chair became a full member of International Janusz Korczak Association.
The General Assembly of the International Korczak Association took place on November 21 in Munich. The national committees and organizations reported on their work and the new IKA'a Board was elected.
Results of the elections for different functions in International Korczak Association held in Munich, Germany on November 21, 2015 - during the General Assembly of IKA:
Chairperson - Batia Gilad, Vice Chairpersons: Barbara Janina Sochal, Jonathan Levy
Secretary General - Tomasz Polkowski, Vice Secretaries General: Conny Muller and Malgorzata Kmita
Treasurer - Jacek Krogel
Board Members: Basia Vucic - Australia, Jerry Nussbaum - Canada, Anna Bystrzycka - Czech Republic, Jonathan Levy - France, Cornelia Mueller - Germany, Siegfried Steiger - Germany, Roza Valejeva - Russia, Avi Tsur - Israel, Barbara Janina Sochal - Poland, Jacek Krogel - Poland, Marta Ciesielska - Poland, Korczakianum, Teresa Skudniewska - Poland, Urszula Markowska Manista - Poland. Marichka Prokopchuk - Ukraine, Inna Spivakova - Ukraine, Malgorzata Kmita - United Kingdom, Gerard Kahn - Switzerland
Auditing Committee: Daniel Halperin, Irena Skipor Rybacka, Theo Cappon
Newsletter of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO
Activities 2014
Calendar and Events
- We started preparing for the 8th International Summer School "Problem behaviors in adolescency - forms, conditions, prevention" (15-25.09.2014).
Draft programme
- Professor Adam Fraczek, Chairman of the Janusz Korczak UNESCO Chair participated
in a consultant meeting of UNESCO Chairs Chairmen in Poland in the International Centre for the Promotion of Technology and Education AGH - UNESCO, the Stanislaw Staszic Academy of Science and Technology, which took place on 5 March 2014. The meeting was an opportunity to present the units and exchange experience in the area of functioning and possible common initiatives in the future.
- The Janusz Korczak UNESCO Chair and the Institute of Applied Psychology at the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw organized a lecture "MY JOURNEY FROM CREATING EVIL TO INSPIRING HEROISM" by professor Philip ZIMBARDO a famous American psychologist.
Philip Zimbardo is internationally recognized as the “voice and face of contemporary psychology” through his widely viewed PBS-TV series, Discovering Psychology, his media appearances, best-selling trade books, and his classic research, The Stanford Prison Experiment.Zimbardo has been a Stanford University professor since 1968 (now emeritus), having taught previously at Yale, NYU, and Columbia University. He also continues to teach at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey (courses on the psychology of terrorism), and is professor at the Palo Alto University (teaching social psychology to clinical graduate students). Zimbardo has been given numerous awards and honors as an educator, researcher, writer, media contributor, and for service to the profession of psychology. He has been awarded the Vaclav Havel Foundation Prize for his lifetime of research on the human condition. Among his more than 400 professional publications, including 50 trade and textbooks, is the oldest current textbook in psychology, Psychology and Life, and Core Concepts in Psychology in its 7th Edition. His popular book on shyness in adults was the first of its kind, as was the shyness clinic that he started in the community and continues as a treatment-research clinic at the Palo Alto University in Palo Alto.
The meeting was held on 11 April 2014 (Friday), at 11 a.m. in Janusz Korczak lecture hall (building C, 1st floor) at the Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education.
Photo Gallery
Urszula Markowska-Manista, Ph.D, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair, conducted interviews with Professor Zimbardo in April 2014 and prepared a text for the academic journal: MAN-DISABILITY-SOCIETY, entitled "Inspiring goodness and heroism in the contemporary world - an interview with professor Philip Zimbardo by Urszula Markowska-Manista , Ph.D."
The full interview: Professor Philip Zimbardo in a conversation with Urszula Markowska-Manista, Ph.D. - "Heroic Imagination Project by professor Philip Zimbardo and the reality of the contemporary education of the youth" will be published in the academic journal PAREZJA - a Journal Forum of Young Pedagogues by the Committee on Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. -
Urszula Markowska-Manista - scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair, conducted an international seminar entitled: "International relations and intercultural communication. Place - People - Space in everyday intercultural communication” during an international project „Active Youth against Unemployment” for students from 6 countries: Latvia, France, Poland, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, 25 April - 1 May 2014 , Tbilisi, Georgia.
The project was financed from European Union funds 2014.
Professor Adam Frączek – UNESCO Chair Holder and Professor Anna Firkowska-Mankiewicz delivered a common lecture "Some thoughts on the difficulties in the implementation of inclusive education in Poland" during an international seminar: The Polish Jewish Pioneer on Children's Human Rights, Janusz Korczak (1878-1942) and the right of the child to respect without discrimination of any kind and protection against all forms of discrimination according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations, Geneva, 31 May 2014.
Urszula Markowska-Manista, Ph.D – scientific secretary at the UNESCO Chair, as a researcher became a member of an interdisciplinary Expert Team on intercultural education whose task is to design the Polish Frame of Intercultural Competences for the system of education. The Team consists of representatives of various environments involved in the problem of intercultural education:
- the Ministry of National Education,
- Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment,
- Office for Foreigners, Social Aid Department,
- school head teachers, including heads of multicultural schools,
- methodology consultants and counselors employed in teacher training centres,
- researchers dealing with the problem in question,
- Department of Education,
- non government organisations and intercultural education practitioners,
- local government units.
The first seminar devoted to the Team's work took place in ORE centre (Centre for Education Development) in Sulejowek between 9-10 June 2014.
- Urszula Markowska-Manista, Ph.D. - scientific secretary of the UNESCO Chair conducted lectures on the subject of: “Multiple-discrimination of disabled children with a migrant background” and “ Discrimination against migrant, ethnic and national minority children in education” during the Summer School “Children’s Rights to Non-Discrimination” at the Institute of Education, University of Minho, Braga (Portugal), July 14-27, 2014.
Between October and November 2014 Urszula Markowska-Manista Ph.D. was on an academic scholarship in Germany at the Freie Universität Berlin (Childhood Studies and Children's Rights) in Berlinie and at the Pädagogische Hochschule in Freiburg
The scholarship was granted within cooperation with the Foundation The Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO) as well as involvement in a international project: „Teachers: Agents of change. A strategic approach to anchoring development education in Czech and in Polish formal education systems” - "Female teachers are changing the world", financed from the means of the European Union within EuropeAid program 2013-2015
The UNESCO Chair was involved in providing academic and substantive support to guests from Ukraine, UNESCO scholarship holders
Guests from Ukraine – Dragomanov State Pedagogical University in Kiev
Visit time November / December 2014
Viktoria Fesenko, university employee, M.A. degree in history, postgraduate studies, diploma thesis on the Polish minority in USSR between 1923-1932. Interest area: European education policy, ethnic minority education, ethnic minority educational achievements, inclusive education
Gennadii Stavytskyi ,M.A. In psychology and sociology. Teacher, university employee, postgraduate studies, diploma thesis on social and psychological factors influencing the development of ethnic identity in puberty
Visit program – main points
Urszula Markowska-Manista Ph.D
Information about programs and institutions dealing with ethnic minorities and publications
Iwona Zielinska, Ph.D
Conflict, crisis, mediation (sociology)-a lecture
Tatiana Kanasz, Ph.D
The problem of identity and gender – a lecture
Marta Cobel-Tokarska, Ph.D
„The cultures of neighbours” - a workshop
Prof. Danuta Duch
‘”An analysis of a discourse” - a seminar
Urszula Markowska-Manista Ph.D. participated as a keynote speaker in an international conference: "The Best Interests of the Child": a dialogue between theory and practice. Focus on the best interests of the child in family affairs", on December 9th and 10th 2014 organized by the Belgian authorities, in cooperation with the Children’s Rights Division of the Council of Europe in Brussels.
10th anniversary of UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and Wellbeing
On 13 December 2014 the Academy of Special Education organised a meeting commemorating the 10th anniversary of UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Interdisciplinary Studies on Child Development and Well-being.
The meeting devoted to a decade of activity of UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair as well as
a discussion on the subject of areas and forms of cooperation of the UNESCO Chair with Polish Janusz Korczak institutions was organised in cooperation with the Polish Janusz Korczak Association.
Activities 2013
Calendar and Events
- Active participation: ,,Education and children's rights in the context of challenges of the contemporary world’’. Janusz Korczak Symposium: „With Korczak into the new century”, lecture: Education and children's rights in the context of challenges of the contemporary world, Scientific Secretary of the Chair, Urszula Markowska-Manista PhD 21.01.2013.
- Participation in the celebration of 50th anniversary of naming Lower Secondary School in Chojna after Janusz Korczak , chairperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair, March 2013.
- Participation in the international conference „Schule in der Migrationsgesellschaft -Mit den Herausforderungen von Vielfalt, Differenez und Integration umgehen lernen; Scientific Secretary of the UNESCO Chair, Urszula Markowska-Manista PhD Berlin, Germany 29th– 30th April 2013.
- Organization of a visit in Warsaw of a group of students and teachers from Janusz Korczak's Lower Secondary School in Chojna: a sightseeing trip – following the footsteps of Janusz Korczak, a visit at the Jewish Historical Institute; Professor Adam Frączek, Krystyna Urbańska, Urszula Markowska-Manista PhD the Scientific Secretary of the UNESCO Chair, May 2013.
- The UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair has signed an agreement on cooperation with the Institute of Global Responsibility (IGO) within the international project Teachers: Agents of change. A strategic approach to anchoring development education in Czech and in Polish formal education systems , financed from EU funds as part of EuropeAid 2013-2015 project.
The cooperation assumes:
a) an exchange of information on realized activities concerning the problem of intercultural and global education, research on the well-being of children, comparative studies
b) cooperation of appointed representatives of both sides in the area of preparation of popular science and science publications as well as teaching activities projects
c) participation of representatives of both sides in events (seminars, conferences, meetings, consultations, study visits (including visits in Great Britain etc) , concerning intercultural and global education as well as developmental problems, organized by one of the sides.
- Participation in the national scientific conference: „Everyday life of school. Theory- research- practice” organized by the School Pedagogy Institute, Department of Pedagogy, Sociology and Health Science of the Pedagogical University named after the Commission of National Education in Cracow and the Academy of Special Education in Warsaw; Speech: Everyday life of school and family home of culturally diverse students, Scientific Secretary of the UNESCO Chair, Urszula Markowska-Manista PhD, Zakopane, 4th – 6th June 2013.
- Professor Adam Frączek - Ph.D, participated, as panelist (“Janusz Korczak – a teacher for teachers”) in the 5th International Seminar: The Polish Jewish Pioneer on Children's Human Rights, Janusz Korczak (1878-1942) and the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. - 8 June 2013, in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the United Nations, Geneva.
- Participation and a speech in the symposium „Janusz Korczak as a teacher of teachers” – in reference to the 90th anniversary of The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education in Warsaw, Professor Adam Frączek chairperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair, June 2013.
- Urszula Markowska-Manista - Ph.D, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczk Chair participated, as panelist, in the conference Children as actors for transforming society, organized by the CAUX Foundation as part of the project „Caux 2013 Initiatives for human security”;
Speech: "Children-soldiers and children of indigenous peoples - (in)direct victims, witnesses and agents of conflict. The problem of children's participation from local perspective".
(24-30 July, 2013).
- Dr Urszula Markowska-Manista - participation in the International conference: "Coping with New Legal Challenges in Education, Building safe schools for children with rights; Dignity in Education - case studies". Presentation entitiled: "Reforming the Legal Status of Teachers in Poland", September, 13-14, 2013, Kaunas (Lithuania).
- Dr U. Markowska-Manista - presentation entitled: « Academy and global issues » during
an international academic seminar at the Institute of Political Science of The Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (UKSW) Warsaw, organized by the Institute of Global Responsibility IGO within the project “Teachers: Agents of change. A strategic approach to anchoring development education in Czech and in Polish formal education systems”, financed from EU funds
as part of Europe-Aid 2013-2015, September, 27, 2013 Warsaw.
- The 7th International Summer School “Psychological-pedagogical support for students with diverse needs” was held between 15-25 September 2013. Academics, post-graduate students and students- specialists in the area of psychology and pedagogy from Belarus, Iran, Kazachstan, Germany, Russia, Ukraine and Poland took part in the event.
The participants represented the following foreign universities: Freie Universität Berlin, Kazakh National Pedagogical University- Abay, Maksim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Kamenets-Podilsky State University, Herzen University - St. Petersburg, Kazan Federal University, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. The Polish participants were post-graduate students from the Academy of Special Education as well as a representative of the Foundation “Closer to a Child”.
The Summer School program included lectures, workshops and study visits. A number of meetings with academics from the Academy of Special Education were also planned within individual programs.The term “students with diverse needs” covers a wide range of phenomena, problems and methods of solving them. The needs of students with intellectual dysfunctions vary from those of students with physical dysfunctions (hearing, sight, motor organs). There are separate groups of socially maladjusted students, children with specific learning difficulties (dyscalculia, dysgraphy, etc), refugee children (language communication), children suffering from trauma connected with natural disasters or wars, but also remarkably talented students. All these problems found their reflection in the content of lectures and the subjects of study visits. However, detailed discussions, becoming familiar with current curricula and methods of work with students was possible only through individual programs – Summer School participants' meetings with academics- specialists from the Academy of Special Education.
Within individual programs the Summer School participants visited educational institutions which realize in Poland the idea of inclusive education: Multicultural Humanistic Secondary School under the patronage of Jacek Kuron in Warsaw, 31 Kłopotowskiego St., Special Schools Complex – Early Development Support Complex in Warsaw, 44 Białobrzeska St. and Integrated Preschool no 209 in Warsaw, 26 Sienna St.
The meeting was also an opportunity to present publications of the Academy of Special Education, including journals with points awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education: “Man – Disability – Society”, which include articles written by participants of previous editions of Summer School. Among the materials presented to this year's edition participants one should name: A publication in English edited by prof. Ewa M. Kulesza – a collection of case studies authored by the participants of the 5th Summer School of Special Pedagogy, entitled ”Students with special needs – World experience”, Wydawnictwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej 2013., publication “Man – Disability- Society” no for 2013 and periodical "Special School” no 1,2,3 for 2013.
At the end of the 7th International Summer School we asked the participants for a brief evaluation of the program and its realization. The opinions highlighted the diversity of subjects and an interesting structure of the program, expressed appreciation of the possibility to exchange experiences and compare systems of education as well as curricula in various countries. The visited educational institutions, where practical application of pedagogical theory was presented during meetings with the staff and lesson activities, were also positively evaluated.
Positive assessment was also expressed for individual programs which provided the possibility to discuss issues connected with particular problems or academic specialties represented by the participants.In their free time the guests were offered meetings with the staff of University of Warsaw Library and the Library of the Academy of Special Education, sightseeing in the Old Town, Lazienki park and Wilanów as well as Warsaw Rising Museum.
- Dr U. Markowska-Manista - presentation of a research project in the South Caucasus in Georgia: “Forgotten minorities in Georgia: tradition, education and everyday life in the face of transformation » during the meeting of Polonia members in the Caucasus House with the participation of the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Tbilisi, November, 22, 2013, Tbilisi, Georgia.
- Professor Adam Frączek participated in the International Conference “The realtion with socially vulnerable children and adults’ organized by The Janusz Korczak Vlaanderen Association, December 13-15, Ghent, Belgium.
Activities 2012
Activities of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education during the Janusz Korczak Year (2012)
His Magnificence Professor Jan Łaszczyk,
Rector of the Academy of Special Education, was a member of the Honorary Committee for the Celebration of Janusz Korczak Year.
Calendar and Events
- article publication; „Dzieci należy traktować poważnie. Rok Janusza Korczaka” (Children need to be taken seriously. The Janusz Korczak Year) in: Miesięcznik Dyrektora Przedszkola (The Kindergarten Director’s Monthly), Oficyna MM, Poznań; dr Urszula Markowska-Manista, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair
- UNESCO Chair motion to the Academy Senate to name the Academy lecture hall after Janusz Korczak. After the Senate’s resolution, unveiling of the Janusz Korczak memorial plaque as part of the celebrations of the Academy’s 90th anniversary.
- UNESCO Chair motion (with the Dean of the Faculty of Educational Science ) to the Academy Senate to award a doctor honoris causa degree to professor Szewach Weiss. Laudation prepared and presented by professor Adam Frączek, chairperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- presentation: “Słowo, obraz i dźwięk a prawa dziecka. Z badań nad metodą ORA w szkołach jednego z regionów Republiki Środkowoafrykańskiej „(„Word, image and sound in relation to children’s rights. Research on the ORA method in schools in one the regions of the Central African Republic”) at the conference “Wychowanie przez sztukę w procesie kształtowania wrażliwości międzykulturowej” (Education through art in the process of shaping intercultural sensitivity), University of Warmia and Mazury;
- participation in the discussion on children’s rights in Poland and the Janusz Korczak Year events organised by PAP S.A. and commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for journalists from Ethiopia, along with a study visit in the Korczakianum Centre; dr Urszula Markowska-Manista, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- participation in the work of the Child Rights Protection Committee within the “Świat Przyjazny Dziecku” (A Child-friendly World) competition; Professor Adam Frączek, chairperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- presentation :“Korczak w Afryce. Prawa dziecka w Afryce Środkowej” (Korczak in Africa. Children’s Rights in Central Africa) at the Polish Janusz Korczak Association; dr Urszula Markowska-Manista, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- participation in the discussion organised by Radio dla Ciebie titled “Wieczór RDC: o człowieku, który marzył i walczył o prawo dziecka do szacunku” (“Radio dla Ciebie Evening - about a man who dreamed and fought for the child’s right to respect”); Professor Adam Frączek, chairman of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair
- participation in the 70th anniversary commemoration of rounding up and transporting Janusz Korczak and his wards to the concentration camp; professor Adam Frączek, chairman of UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair and dr Urszula Markowska- Manista, scientific secretary of the Chair.
- organisation (along with the Polish National Commission for UNESCO as well as the International and Polish Janusz Korczak Associations) and management of the International Summer School “Children’s Rights – Current Approaches in Light of Korczak’s Pedagogical Theories”, held on September 16th – 21st and including lectures (by Mr M. Michalak, Ombudsman for Children of the Republic of Poland; Professor Barbara Smolińska-Theiss, ASE; Ms Halina Bortnowska, Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights; Ms Teresa Ogrodzińska, Comenius Foundation for Child Development; Ms Marta Ciesielska, Korczakianum Centre for Documentation and Research; and others), study visits (Non-public Gymnasium and High School managed by Ms Krystyna Starczewska; Child Right Protection Committee managed by Ms Mirosława Kątna; and others) and workshops. The participants included ASE students and post-graduate students, young scholars of pedagogy and psychology from Israel, turkmenistannde Ukraine and Iran.
- participation in the “There are no children – only people” conference, organised by Mr Marek Michalak, Ombudsman for Children of the Republic of Poland along with the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship education authorities, the local government in Białystok and the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic at the European Art Centre in Białystok; Professor Adam Frączek, chaiperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- patronage of the Podlasie Opera and Philharmonic - Musical Korczak; Professor Adam Frączek, chairperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- co-chairing of the discussion panel on the activities of the Ombudsman for children at the XXVI Young Pedagogues’ Summer School organised by the Committee on Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Białystok-Supraśl; dr Urszula Markowska-Manista, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- participation in the unveiling of the memorial plaque at the Orphans’ Home on the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the orphanage by Janusz Korczak and Stefania Wilczyńska; Professor Adam Frączek, chairperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- participation and chairing of the discussion panels “Implementations of the 1989 Convention on the Right of Children”, “Toward Quality Education: Starting from Early Childhood” and “Innovations in Pedagogy: Children as Active Global Citizen - Janusz Korczak Heritage” during the seminar “The Child’s Right to Respect in in Practice” organised by UNESCO, the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Poland to UNESCO and the director of the Polish Cultural Institute in Paris as part of the celebrations of Aniversary of Children’s Rights Declaration and the Janusz Korczak Year ; Professor Adam Frączek, chairman of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- presentation of the activities of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair at the Academy of Special Education as part of the panel discussion “Doktor Korczak nadal uczy” („Doctor Korczak Continues to Teach”), organised by the Centre for Education Development and the Polish Janusz Korczak Association; Professor Adam Frączek, chairperson of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- presentation: “Prawa dzieci w sytuacji wojny i konfliktu” (“Children’s Rights During War and Conflict”) at the scientific conference “Prawa dziecka a zagrożone dzieciństwo we współczesnym świecie” (Children’s Rights and Childhood Under Threat in the Contemporary World) held at The Józef Rusiecki Academy in Olsztyn; dr Urszula Markowska-Manista, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- presentation in German: “Janusz Korczak und Seine Pädagogik in der Gegenwart the Janusz-Korczak-Haus in Bremen, Germany; dr Urszula Markowska-Manista, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- participation in the meetings and activities of the international Children’s Rights Congress in the Janusz Korczak Year, entitled “Prawo dziecka do szacunku – wyzwania XXI wieku” (The Child’s Right to Respect – challenges in the XXI century) and:
- conducting the section “Obywatelstwo dziecka na nowo odczytane” (The Child’s Citizenship Understood Anew) with presentations in English as part of a scientific conference; Professor Adam Frączek, chairman of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- presentation: “Prawa dzieci w życiu codziennym – europejska wizja, środkowoafrykańska rzeczywistość. Raport z badań” (Children’s Rights in Everyday Life – European vision and Central African Reality. Research report) as part of a scientific conference with the participation of non-governmental organisations in the Polish Parliament; dr Urszula Markowska-Manista, scientific secretary of the UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair.
- cooperation in organising the Intenational Seminar of Korczak’s Good Practices entitled “Korczak. Lubię to” (Korczak. I like it) held by the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute.
- ,,Faces of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Materials for Global Education for Teachers”, edited by K. Gorak-Sosnowska, U. Markowska-Manista, Academy of Special Education Publishing, Warsaw, 2011. This publication covers the requirements of the updated core curriculum in Poland (global education) and received the honorary patronage of the Polish National Commission for UNESCO
- Learning through playing. Toys and games of Central African Republic Pygmies”, by U. Markowska-Manista, in: M. Jackowska Uwadizu, H. Rubinowska – Anioł (ed.) Africa for schools. Educational materials for pre-school teachers, Elipsa Publishing, Warsaw 2011
- Games that I remember. Somalia/ Soomaaliya,ciyaaraha aan xusuusto” by U.Markowska-Manista (with A. Farah Gabeire), in: M. Jackowska Uwadizu, H. Rubinowska – Anioł (ed.) Africa for schools. Educational materials for pre-school teachers, Elipsa Publishing, Warsaw 2011.
Project coo-financed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs/2011, Department of African Languages and Cultures, University of Warsaw Faculty of Oriental Studies, Warsaw, 2011.